
The Dark Immortal Templar- Magika tanking build

Author: Dysprosium


Race: BretonBreton

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

50% of points 50% of points 0% of points




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Two Handed

Puncturing Sweep

Templar Skill

Puncturing Sweep

Puncturing Strikes


Radiant Ward

Templar Skill

Radiant Ward

Sun Shield


Luminous Shards

Templar Skill

Luminous Shards

Spear Shards


Absorb Magic

One Hand And Shield Skill

Absorb Magic

Defensive Posture


Structured Entropy

Mages Guild Skill

Structured Entropy



Devouring Swarm

Vampire Skill

Devouring Swarm

Bat Swarm


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Two Handed

Pierce Armor

One Hand And Shield Skill

Pierce Armor



Channeled Focus

Templar Skill

Channeled Focus

Rune Focus


Purifying Light

Templar Skill

Purifying Light



Heroic Slash

One Hand And Shield Skill

Heroic Slash

Low Slash


Structured Entropy

Mages Guild Skill

Structured Entropy



Devouring Swarm

Vampire Skill

Devouring Swarm

Bat Swarm


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
2 0 5


Gear and Item Set Info


I haven't hit VR16 yet I am VR7 but: Soulshine -5 pieces - It's a heavy armor set with magika and spell damage/crit boosts I use 2 armor pieces the 2 rings and the necklace. Why? Well puncturing sweeps returns 40% of the damage you do back to you as health. This build requires you to be doing some good dps, not just turtle up and take hits. Willows Path-5 pieces- for regen on everything in combat :). Seducer- 2 pieces- sword and shield- for the magika regen :)


General Info


This build can be a bit challening if there are lots of CC you have to break due to the low stamina but there are ways to make this work. Slam potions with immunity to that also have stam regen on them. When you pop up your magika shields- heavy attack and put stamina drain on the weapon to really get some good stamina back. Structured entropy for the extra 8% hp passive plus 20 second more spell damage buff to give your puncturing sweeps more heals back to you. Absorb magic- how nice you get hit and that heals you :). For mobs I enter the battle with the 2 shields up spamming the shards. It has good aoe for getting a good chunk of mobs on you right away. Keep those shields up pick a place you want to work at and slap down your channeled focus for the warding and magika regen. Block while you put up your shields. Purifying light is a life saver. Not only is it doing some damage, it slaps down a nice healing puddle around you so keep it up on some of the will also help your team mates. Slap out some spear shards for aoe getting back some mobs and helping out the team with magika and stam. Get your heroic sweep up and pierce armor debuff. Heroic will gain you extra ultimate so you are often able to have a quick breather. Bar 2 is really one you go to every 10 to 12 seconds to get the buffs and debuffs going again. Slap back to Bar 1 for shielding and regening your HP with the pucturing sweeps. Pound back potions that have stam and unstoppable together. The healer hardly ever has to worry about me. In fact I've completed battles solo in yolo pugs :). Devouring swarm is the oh crap that is not too heavy on the ultimate to get life back into you and give you some chance to heavy attack slap down a ward and shield pop a pot or whateva (ya I"m vamp I like the regen). For swap weapon bars I like to use the Middle Mouse Button. So easy so I don't have those oh crap moments while my finger is reaching for a key :).


Champion Point Tips


Focus on reduction of the flame damage on you. Reduce magika cost of spells. Increase magika regen. Increase spell damage/spell crit. Very very small amount in to block/reduce cost bash/spell shield/crit resist




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  • krasher88
    Jan 12, 2016

    Hi! Sorry for my bad eng.

    But if I leave all the heavy armor that’s okay?

    I hate the light armor for my pg.

  • Cameron
    Jan 13, 2016

    Hey, what passives should I put skills into? I’m a bit new to the game and I want to try working on this build, but I don’t know what to do with all these extra points.


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