
The Immortal Farmer

Author: Arakzael


Race: NordNord

Main Role: Tank

Health, Magicka, Stamina

30,000-35,000 11000- 11,500-12,500




Bar 1

Weapon 1: One Handed And Shield


One Hand And Shield Skill




Immovable Brute

Heavy Armor Skill

Immovable Brute



Absorb Magic

One Hand And Shield Skill

Absorb Magic

Defensive Posture


Igneous Weapons

Dragonknight Skill

Igneous Weapons

Molten Weapons


Green Dragon Blood

Dragonknight Skill

Green Dragon Blood

Dragon Blood


Corrosive Armor

Dragonknight Skill

Corrosive Armor

Magma Armor


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Two Handed

Critical Rush

Two Handed Skill

Critical Rush

Critical Charge


Igneous Shield

Dragonknight Skill

Igneous Shield

Obsidian Shield


Absorb Magic

One Hand And Shield Skill

Absorb Magic

Defensive Posture


Igneous Weapons

Dragonknight Skill

Igneous Weapons

Molten Weapons


Green Dragon Blood

Dragonknight Skill

Green Dragon Blood

Dragon Blood


Corrosive Armor

Dragonknight Skill

Corrosive Armor

Magma Armor


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
1 1 5


Gear and Item Set Info


5 piece Armor Master (Sword, Shield, MEDIUM gauntlets, LIGHT sash, HEAVY reinforced chest) (crafted in Imperiall City) 5 Piece Mark of the Pariah (Rings, Necklace, Legs and Feet) (farm world bosses and daily quests in Wrothgar), and either Malabueth (vet Wayrest sewers) or Engine Guardian (vet Darkshade caverns) helm and shoulder. for enchantments, ALL prismatic defense on armor, then one on stam recovery, one on health recovery, one on decrease block cost on the jewelry.  decrease enemy damage glyph on the 1h sword and increase weapon damage on the 2h


General Info


FOOD: You will want two kinds of food to use between different dungeons. For food, you want things that increase all your stats, or if you're confident enough, just stam and magicka. to Drink, you want something that increases all your stat recovery. Decide which is best for the situation.

TRAITS: reinforced on big pieces, divines on small, nirned shield, weighted 2h sword, and defending 1h sword.

POTIONS: recover health, stam, and immunity to knockback(essence of health), AND second stack that increases stam, weapon power, and crit chance (essence of weapon power).

POSSIBLE BAR REPLACEMENTS: instead of absorb magicka, have choking talons to keep mobs immobilized. When fighting a boss where you HAVE to stay ranged, change the second bar to either destruction staff or bow, put dps abilities on that bar, and have inner fire as your taunt. The only boss I do that for is the last boss in vet Fungal Grotto. The healer shouldn't have a problem keeping you alive; the boss does very little damage relative to others.

your first bar will work for nearly every situation.  I use it in every fight EXCEPT the planar inhibitor and the last boss in vet fungal grotto (explained above). Taunt whatever you see in a mob; if there isn't a lot of magic flying around, replace 'absorb magic' with 'burning talons' to better keep mobs under control.  keep igneous weapons up to help out your DPS, and the healer should have no problems keeping everyone alive if you do it right.

FOR THE PLANAR INHIBITOR: this is a major bar change. Keep your second bar as it is, but replace your 1h bar with a destruction staff. Replace ransack with destructive reach and immovable brute with force pulse. When you're on portal duty, primarily use critical rush to get the portals (using the second potions described above as needed) then switch to your destruction staff bar when you run out of stamina to continue hitting portals while your stam recovers.  when you're out of magicka, switch to your 2h bar.  repeat until you're off portals, then hit the inhibitor with the staff so you don't have to deal with the heat stroke as much. If you're in trouble and running out of magicka and stamina, pop your ult to regain most of your stats, then continue destroying the portals. Using this method, I very rarely let an add out when I'm on portal duty.

REVIVING PLAYERS: if your healer takes a coffee break and people start dying, it should be your job to get them up again.  put a taunt on the boss, pop your ult, and cast immovable brute.  With the immunity to knockback and taking at most 3% damage per hit, you should have no problem revving them.  As always, get the healer up first.  if you do that, you can save a wipe from happening.  keep at least 100 soul gems at all times.

Other than that, its pretty straightforward.  keeps mobs and bosses on you, stay alive.  Your job is NOT to do damage, it is to take damage.  there are too many builds on here that don't work because they make the tank do damage as well as take it, and you just won't do a good job at either if you try doing both. I do about 2 or 3k dps, just light attacks and heavy attacks with the occasional shield bash.  If you have any questions, leave a comment.


Champion Point Tips


have stam recovery, health recovery, and block mitigation from the thief, melee weapons expert and weapon penetration on the mage, and damage resistance (the lady) and SR in the warrior.




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