
The Powder Keg

Author: Haec Nuces


Race: Dunmer (Dark Elf)

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

0 Max 0




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Dual Wield

Fragmented Shield

Dragonknight Skill

Fragmented Shield

Obsidian Shield


Flames of Oblivion

Dragonknight Skill

Flames of Oblivion



Igneous Weapons

Dragonknight Skill

Igneous Weapons

Molten Weapons



Dragonknight Skill


Ash Cloud


Molten Whip

Dragonknight Skill

Molten Whip

Lava Whip


Soul Strike

Soul Magic Skill

Soul Strike


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Destruction Staff

Elemental Susceptibility

Destruction Staff Skill

Elemental Susceptibility

Weakness to Elements


Burning Talons

Dragonknight Skill

Burning Talons

Dark Talons


Dragon Fire Scale

Dragonknight Skill

Dragon Fire Scale

Reflective Scale


Soul Splitting Trap

Soul Magic Skill

Soul Splitting Trap

Soul Trap


Engulfing Flames

Dragonknight Skill

Engulfing Flames

Fiery Breath


Magma Shell

Dragonknight Skill

Magma Shell

Magma Armor


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
7 0 0


Gear and Item Set Info


Armor of the Phoenix: Two swords, Destruction Staff, necklace, and rings. (5 Piece)

Oblivion's Foe: Boots, legs, chest, belt, and gloves (5 Piece)

Slimcecraw (Monster Set)


Weapons are Enchanted in fire damage. Armor is enchanted with Divines and Magicka. Jewlery is enchanted with spell damage

Mundus Stone: Apprentice



General Info


This is a PVP build designed for one sole purpose:

To die and die in a massive torrent of fire and death. 

Armor of Phoenix combined with Soul Strike as well as Soul Shatter which are buffed with 100% more damage under the Oblivion's foe set equals a dangerous amount of burst that can mortally wound even the largest zergs.


Champion Point Tips


Champion Points:

Iron Clad (100)

Thick Skinned (61)

Thaumaturge (100)

Elemental Expert (100)

Magician (100)

Spell Erosion (100)





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One Comment

  • Nightcire
    Nov 22, 2016

    where do you get phoenix weapons and jewelry?


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