
The Ravaging Warrior

Author: Soulfire Twin Blade


Race: Redguard

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

19687 9932 34026




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Dual Wield

Rending Slashes

Dual Wield Skill

Rending Slashes

Twin Slashes


Biting Jabs

Templar Skill

Biting Jabs

Puncturing Strikes


Power of the Light

Templar Skill

Power of the Light



Rearming Trap

Fighters Guild Skill

Rearming Trap

Trap Beast


Blade Cloak

Dual Wield Skill

Blade Cloak


Dawnbreaker of Smiting

Fighters Guild Skill

Dawnbreaker of Smiting



Bar 2

Weapon 2: Two Handed


Templar Skill


Restoring Aura



Two Handed Skill




Reverse Slice

Two Handed Skill

Reverse Slice

Reverse Slash



Assault Skill




Two Handed Skill




Solar Prison

Templar Skill

Solar Prison



Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
0 5 2


Gear and Item Set Info


PvE Build Only (good for Normal Dungeons and Vet dungeons) haven't taken it to Normal Trails

5 Ravaging - 1Body, 1 Robust(blue) Neck, 1 Healthy(purple) Ring, Dagger, Axe, Greaves

5 Vicious Ophidian - 1 robust (gold) ring 4 body

2 Slimcraw - med shoulder heavy helm (8% minor beserk is very nice)

All gear is stam enchanted, All jewlery is weapon damage. Can sub in reduce cost or regen if needed. but with repentance and vicious sustain should be pretty good.

All Gear is divines with the Thief Mundus stone for more crit.

2 peices of heavy armor is nice for Tankiness and extra health.

I like Ravager for templar because it procs often so I feel the uptime is nice for that extra 600 weapon damage. Vicious Ophidan is one of the best sets ingame for stam users and resource management.

Other possible sets would be Briarheart instead of ravaging, Hundings Rage, Bone Pirate, Night Mothers instead of vicious.


General Info


Bifood for Max Health and stam

Trash pots mostly for pve but can also use weapon crit pots for health and stam return.

Wanted to create a build without a bow. Bow abilities are very good but I hate using pots all the tiem for the major bruatlity buff. So rally is nice to cast and gives you a nice heal over time. Not going to have the most damage with out bow but if you are running 4 man dungeons you should be just fine. 

I buff up with blade cloak and rally pre fight, go in with Caltrop with brawler for damage shield and DoT. Bar swap into Power of light, trap beast, light attack jabs, rendering, light attack jabs jabs jabs then repeat. for longer fights you may have to throw in some heavy attacks to your rotation for stam return. Reverse slice for execute phase. Its a fun build to play for soemthing unique and different. You can go dual wield and bow and change out a few skills. Make sure you have plenty of weapon power pots on hand. Bow/Dual set up will give you the greatest damage output, two hander will make you more tanky.


Champion Point Tips


The Ritual: 56 mighty, 56 thaumaturge, 37 precise, 34 percing

The Atronach: - 37 master at arms

The shadow - 31 one in tumbling 2 in shade (left over points) if at 14.9% on skill, will scale to 14% so you are losing points. best to place them somewhere else.

The lover: 56 mooncalf, 56 tenacity

The tower, 34 warlord, 31 sprinter

for 3 Red trees, place where you see fit to help your defenses.





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