
The Thaumaturge Vampire

Author: MindOfTheSwarm


Race: Khajiit

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

17-20k No Investment or Max Investment No Investment or Max Investment (see below)




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Dual Wield

Blood Craze

Dual Wield Skill

Blood Craze

Twin Slashes


Rapid Strikes

Dual Wield Skill

Rapid Strikes




Nightblade Skill




Invigorating Drain

Vampire Skill

Invigorating Drain

Drain Essence


Piercing Mark

Nightblade Skill

Piercing Mark

Mark Target


Soul Assault

Soul Magic Skill

Soul Assault

Soul Strike


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Dual Wield

Prolonged Suffering

Nightblade Skill

Shrewd Offering



Sanguine Altar

Undaunted Skill

Sanguine Altar

Blood Altar


Razor Caltrops

Assault Skill

Razor Caltrops



Rearming Trap

Fighters Guild Skill

Rearming Trap

Trap Beast


Consuming Trap

Soul Magic Skill

Consuming Trap

Soul Trap



Dual Wield Skill




Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
5 1 1


Gear and Item Set Info


5 Piece Light or Medium Pelinal's Aptitude.

5 Piece Rattlecage or Dreugh King Slayer

2 Piece Slimeclaw, Molag Kena or Grothdar




General Info


This build is all about DOT's PERIOD!

It is important to decide whether to invest in Stamina or Magicka. If Stamina, you must have Dreugh King Slayer Jewellery and either Dagger's or Swords. If Magicka, Rattlecage. It will take quite a bit of farming either way.

Once this is decided, this will determine whether your Pelinal's Set is crafted as Light or Medium. Light for Magicka and Medium for Stamina.

Don't bother going for Heavy, as you will lose a lot of DPS and this build hasn't been tested in PVP. But if you want to test, knock yourself out.

Personally I feel the light armor option lends itself better as you get the Spell penetration bonus, which will cause your Soul Assault to be devastating. Although, medium armor comes with its own benefits and the weapon damage bonus will also apply to your spell damage thanks to Pelinal's.

The great thing about Pelinal's is that when paired with Rattlecage or Dreugh King you are effectively getting both Major Brutality and Major Sorcery for free. You can easily reach above 3000 weapon AND spell damage with this build. While this is not as high as more specialised builds, it won't matter because your damage is coming from DOT's and when all are active you are keeping up with more burst oriented builds during big boss battles.

In battle open with Sanguine Altar, Caltrops, Rearming Trap then just start applying those DOT's one after the other and recycle. Your Sanguine Altar will actually give you a lot of heals and you always have Invigorating Drain to help boost heals further and help speed up ult regen for that deadly Soul Assault up your sleeve.

Alternate build:

Ditch all the stamina DOT's, Dreugh King/Rattlecage and Pelinal's. Pick Altmer or Breton and instead go for pure Magicka DOT's, equip an electric destro staff and go 5 piece Julianos and 5 Piece Spider Cultist. Switch the stamina DOT's for Destructive Reach and Elemental Ring. Switch Piercing Mark for Structured Entropy. You won't have as many DOT's that work with Thaumaturge but your spell damage will be a lot higher, boosting Soul Assault to absurd levels. Keep the Rearming Trap either way, it does decent damage even with no stamina investment and the critical damage boost will apply to spells too.


Champion Point Tips


Depends entirely on what armor setup you went with, so assign points accordingly.

Max out Thaumaturge whatever your other point allocation. After all this build is all about maxing DOT damage.

Here is an example of skill damage with this build.

Rearming Trap: 12k+ before crit.

Crippling Grasp: 12k+ before crit.

Consuming Trap: about 6k before crit.

Soul Assault: 60k+ with Pelinal build (Pure Magicka Alternate build: I'll let you find out "evil laugh")


Final Note: You can increase Soul Assault even further by going pure Stamina and equipping two nirnhoned swords, 5 Piece Hunding's, 5 Piece Senche's Bite and 2 Piece Molag Kena all divines with warrior mundus. Activate Major Brutality, Hit 2 Light attack's then roll dodge and unleash Soul Assault. This is because Ult's scale with the highest stat between Magicka and Stamina and currently Weapon Damage can hit high numbers than spell damage. However, the viability of this setup is questionable due to champion point allocation. It is merely an observation on the highest damage possible with Soul Assault.




Build Rating

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One Comment

  • Nathan Sunderland
    Mar 29, 2017

    where does the 17-20 k health come from also by infest you mean not to invest in health just either stamina or magika plus does it have to be a khajiit can it not be any race


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