
The Valkyrie

Author: MindOfTheSwarm


Race: Imperial

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

20k Approx No investment n/a 25-30 Approx




Bar 1

Weapon 1: One Handed And Shield

Shielded Assault

One Hand And Shield Skill

Shielded Assault

Shield Charge



One Hand And Shield Skill




Heroic Slash

One Hand And Shield Skill

Heroic Slash

Low Slash


Power Slam

One Hand And Shield Skill

Power Slam

Power Bash


Biting Jabs

Templar Skill

Biting Jabs

Puncturing Strikes


Shield Discipline

One Hand And Shield Skill

Shield Discipline

Shield Wall


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Two Handed


Medium Armor Skill





Two Handed Skill





Templar Skill


Restoring Aura



Assault Skill



Rearming Trap

Fighters Guild Skill

Rearming Trap

Trap Beast


Rite of Passage

Templar Skill

Rite of Passage


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
1 5 1


Gear and Item Set Info


This build requires the Strength of the Automoton set. Any other sets are free to your preference. You could use Knight Errant jewellery to get some heal while attacking or go more aggressive with something like Hundings or Venom and forego the heals for higher damage. Monster set options to consider: Selene, Sellitrix, Tremorscale for damage or Mighty Chudan to boost defenses as you will be fragile in Medium armor.


General Info


The idea is to make a viable Dps Sword and Shield build. Medium Armor Automoton will boost physical damage while taking advantage of the 5 piece medium armor passives. Alternatively you could go 5 piece heavy Knight Errant and Use Automoton Jewellery for a slightly tanker build though you will sacrifice some critical value in place of higher health and heal return. 

For PVP I have found going heavy to be more successful.

IMPORTANT: Not many realise this but the Power Slam bonus provided after blocking does in fact work with the Ultimate. This way, you can activate Shield Discipline and spam Power Slam free of charge and get full bonus rewards provided you're being hit with attacks. With Gold gear and warrior mundus on divines you can easily crit for over 20k with Power Slam, increasing further with the Rearming Trap Bonus.

Some may say why bother trying to maximise DPS on Sword and Board and true any other weapon setup would provide more. This build was just an attempt to maximise the Sword and Board DPS.

Note, the final skill on first bar is optional, Sun Shield, Biting Jabs are good choices, just take an Aedric Spear ability to take advantage of the passives.

Other Classes: Same setup but again the final skill on the first bar would be personal preference. I recommend, Nightblades: Killers blade, Mass Hysteria, Siphoning Strikes. (Incapacitating Strike for an alternate Ult) Sorcs: Critical Surge (Switch Rally for Resolving Vigor and also try switch out another skill for Hurricane) or Bound Armaments (This stacks with Chudan while improving heavy attack damage). Dragonknight: Petrify and Talons are my top choices here. (Corrosive Armor is great for an alternate ult). If you go with Petrify switch out Shielded Assault for something else.

Tip: charge up a full heavy and immediately execute a power slam cancelled with a shield bash for a hard hitting combo. If all crit you will do decent damage, especially if a monster set such as Selene or Velidreth proc too.


Champion Point Tips


Put your points into the usual defensive areas such as Hardy, Elemental defence etc. Make sure you unlock Shield Expert.

Put points into Bashing Focus along with Warlord and Mooncalf.

Put 30 Points into melee weapon expert (this is to improve heavy attack damage and unlock Riposte) then the rest goes into Mighty, Piercing and Precise Strikes.




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  • Maverick
    Nov 17, 2016

    Could Caltrops be switched out for something? It’s pretty tedious to work towards that in my opinion.

    • MindOfTheSwarm
      Nov 18, 2016

      I don’t see why not. I use Caltrops as it lasts a decent amount of time and does a lot of damage over that time. But feel free to switch to whatever you want, but in my opinion most Stamina DPS builds will take Caltrops for big AOE damage.


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