
Imperial Warden (Advanced)

Author: TetsuRaven


Race: Imperial

Main Role: Tank

Health, Magicka, Stamina

39 (39,513) will be more 6 (20,853) will be more 19 (20,799) will be more




Bar 1

Weapon 1: One Handed And Shield

Pierce Armor

One Hand And Shield Skill

Pierce Armor



Ring of Preservation

Fighters Guild Skill

Ring of Preservation

Circle of Protection


Spiked Bone Shield

Undaunted Skill

Spiked Bone Shield

Bone Shield


Ice Fortress

Warden Skill

Ice Fortress

Frost Cloak


Corrupting Pollen

Warden Skill

Corrupting Pollen

Healing Seed


Eternal Guardian

Warden Skill

Eternal Guardian

Feral Guardian


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Dual Wield

Evil Hunter

Fighters Guild Skill

Evil Hunter

Expert Hunter


Rapid Strikes

Dual Wield Skill

Rapid Strikes



Screaming Cliff Racer

Warden Skill

Screaming Cliff Racer



Bull Netch

Warden Skill

Bull Netch

Betty Netch


Bird of Prey

Warden Skill

Bird of Prey

Falcons Swiftness


Eternal Guardian

Warden Skill

Eternal Guardian

Feral Guardian


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
0 5 2


Gear and Item Set Info


Advanced Build (Pay Attention to Armor Weights and Enchants) Oh and really expensive due to Runes, might be worth going all out and making 'Shacklebreaker' in a very expensive motif as well.

Credit: boonfoxx. while I have changed this build a lot from it's origin point I feel compeled to point out I wouldn't have thought of it without seeing his 'Warden of the North'

Warning: While I have made many builds and feel confident that is will be a good one, it is the first I have ever published a build I HAVE NOT TESTED. I will build it and post results.

Monster: Iceheart


Shacklebreaker (Crafted)

Medium, Infused, Prismatic

Warrior Poet (farmed)

Rings and Neck Enchant Spell Damage

Sword trait change Nirnhoned then Enchant weapon/spell damage

Dagger 1 trait change Nirnhoned then Enchant weapon/spell damage

Dagger 2 trait change Nirnhoned then Enchant Disease Damage


General Info


Advanced Build (330 CP Min, 121 Skill Points Min)

As far as I can tell it should with both physical and spell damage for about the same but the real bonus I noticed is it looks medium to hard tank to kill despite running on medium armor.

I would use a double bloody mara as it's a vamp.

The stats I am seeing via the simulator are 26,225 physical/spell resist with excellent recovery on all stats.(700 average).

You would have to be 'one shot' for approx 120k to die outright.


Champion Point Tips


Advanced Build (330 CP Min) because of the Perk Unlocks to make it work.

Expert defender, Quick Recovery 10

Hardy 10

Medium Armor Focus, Spell Shield 30

Precise, Pierce, Mighty 10

Physical Weapons Ex, Master at Arms 15

Elemental Expert, Spell Erosion, Elf Born 10

Befoul, Shadow ward, Tumbling 10

Moon Calf, Archanist, Healthy 10

Bashing Focus, Siphoner, Warlord 10


Gah! these listings are out of date, just increase all of the lsited ones by a value of 5 and that should do it.




Build Rating

Rating: 4.2/5. From 5 votes.
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  • boonfoxx
    Dec 18, 2017

    Ha nice! Thanks for the credit! Didn’t expect that!

    Not sure if it matters for you, but since you can’t stack buffs of the same name, you might as well change your morph from Ice Fortress to Expansive Frost Cloak. You can only have one Minor Protection working at a time, so since you have it already running on Ring of Preservation, it’s of little use. Unless you change out Ring of Preservation to something else like Artic Blast. The continuous heal is good and I noticed that the higher your health is the better it works.

    Just my thoughts…

    • boonfoxx
      Dec 18, 2017

      oh also… just another thought… I noticed that this build could technically be min/maxed so it might be better off going all stam instead of a hybrid like Warden of the North. You can change the morphs Screaming Cliff Racer to Cutting Dive and Eternal Guardian to Wild Guardian. Then run all weapon damage. Those were the only magicka attacks you had, so by converting them to stamina attacks, it should increase your damage output significantly by having your weapon damage maxed out as much as possible.

    • boonfoxx
      Dec 18, 2017

      Possibly consider Hunding’s Rage instead of Shacklebreaker as your crafted set. Then split your attribute point stack so that you have at least 30 in Stamina… run two weapon damage glyphs on your rings and one reduce cost or stamina recovery glyph on your amulet. I’d take the Serpent boon, you will probably be blocking more often since your on medium instead of heavy so the extra stamina will be needed.

      lol… sorry for my critic… I’m kind of obsessed with build perfection.

      • TetsuRaven
        Dec 23, 2017

        Your comments boonfox are always welcome and I will take a look…I respect your builds.
        To every one….. I don’t publish perfection builds, I publish good ones. The game is (thank god) too deep for me to think I have reached perfection in anything I publish, I do try however to publish variety, different ways of playing the game, frequently I publish non optimal builds because unless you are a pvp player where every last number is wrung out for it’s max you really only need 3/4 of the builds potential.
        I coach a role playing guild where it is my job to make their character work the way they want it to, not my ideas… theirs. These builds are frequently sub optimal, the horrid truth is… there are only a few builds that produce the top results and that is because the game has a finite number of pieces and a finite number of combinations, but I choose to focus on the entertainment and the players, getting them a result that make them feel unique.

        Do I build Cancer builds? You bet I could but Cancer builds are designed to do one thing….make other people feel sick, like they don’t know what they are doing and in some cases want to stop playing all together, So I don’t publish ‘optimal’ builds like that, they are unbalanced and wreck other people’s enjoyment.

        I built one once that had over 6k base weapon damage (up to date stat as of 23/12/2017) but I used it once and then deleted it, it wrecked everything, it’s soul strike ult did over 100k! and it was a tank… but could you imagine what would happen if I let that out of the bag?

      • TetsuRaven
        Jan 31, 2018

        I have made the changes you suggested on a separate build and I am running the tests side by side now…. good first outing it seems.

  • TetsuRaven
    Feb 17, 2018

    Final conclusion, the Min/Max is effective but not nearly as entertaining. I leave it to everyone else to choose.


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