
Mag Ward the Frosty and…Powerful? DPS/Healer Attempt XboxOne


Race: Altmer (High Elf)

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

20000 25000 ?




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Destruction Staff

Inner Light

Mages Guild Skill

Inner Light



Elemental Susceptibility

Destruction Staff Skill

Elemental Susceptibility

Weakness to Elements


Fletcher Infection

Warden Skill

Fletcher Infection



Arctic Blast

Warden Skill

Arctic Blast

Impaling Shards


Elemental Blockade

Destruction Staff Skill

Elemental Blockade

Wall of Elements


Northern Storm

Warden Skill

Northern Storm

Sleet Storm


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Restoration Staff

Blue Betty

Warden Skill

Blue Betty

Betty Netch


Living Vines

Warden Skill

Living Vines


Enchanted Growth

Warden Skill

Enchanted Growth

Fungal Growth


Ice Fortress

Warden Skill

Ice Fortress

Frost Cloak


Crystallized Slab

Warden Skill

Crystallized Slab

Crystallized Shield


Healing Thicket

Warden Skill

Healing Thicket

Secluded Grove


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
5 0 2


Gear and Item Set Info


Ysgamor's Birthright between (frost) staff and armor - provides additional support to frost dmg
Rattlecage set between remaining armor and rings/neck - health benefits, somewhat tanky set
Divines trait applied to all. 



General Info


Mostly ranged attack, though I have to get closer to run my ult. 
Need to eat a crusty bread. 


Champion Point Tips


CP are mostly on (Blue) Thaumaturge, Ele Exp, Spell Erosion, Elfborn, (Green) Befoul, Arcanist, Magician (Red) Light Armor Focused, Thick Skinned, Elemental Defender




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