
Almost Unkillable Battleground Mag Warden Build

Author: NRG2K018


Race: Breton

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

21,000 48,000 9800




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Destruction Staff

Destructive Clench

Destruction Staff Skill

Destructive Clench

Destructive Touch


Deep Fissure

Warden Skill

Deep Fissure



Fletcher Infection

Warden Skill

Fletcher Infection



Inner Light

Mages Guild Skill

Inner Light



Bird of Prey

Warden Skill

Bird of Prey

Falcons Swiftness


Northern Storm

Warden Skill

Northern Storm

Sleet Storm


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Destruction Staff

Living Trellis

Warden Skill

Living Trellis

Living Vines


Ice Fortress

Warden Skill

Ice Fortress

Frost Cloak


Screaming Cliff Racer

Warden Skill

Screaming Cliff Racer



Harness Magicka

Light Armor Skill

Harness Magicka



Blue Betty

Warden Skill

Blue Betty

Betty Netch


Northern Storm

Warden Skill

Northern Storm

Sleet Storm


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
5 1 1


Gear and Item Set Info


5x Fortified Brass (Craftable) (3x Armor Pieces 2x Weapon) Make sure to craft 1x Heavy Chest to get the maximum resistances since it's the biggest piece.

5x Necropotence (2 Armor Pieces 3 Jewelery pieces) Run Arcane Trait for Maximum Magika but if you feel you have enough you can run Bloodthirsty to do 27% more damage to targets below 25% health. 

2x Valkyn Skoria or Zaan's (Both work Well)

Fortified Brass Lightning Staff. (Front Bar) Nirnhoned Trait. Shock Enchant.

Fortified Brass Frost Staff. (Back Bar) Infused Trait. Weapon Damage Enchant.

::::::::Alternatives For Back Bar:::::::

1x Fortified Brass Sword. Infused Trait. Weapon Damage Enchant. 

1x Fortified Brass Shield. Impenetrable Trait. Health or Stamina Enchant. 

1x Fortified Brass Restoration Staff. Defending Trait. Weapon Damage Enchant. 

::::::::::EXTRA INFORMATION::::::::::

We are going to use all Magika Enchants on our Armour Pieces. You can run Tristat Glyphs on the Head, Chest and Legs but it isn't really needed since were not running Infused Traits. And we already get a nice Health and Magika Pool. 

You can however and only if you decided to run with the Shield and Sword option on the back bar you could use 1 Divines Trait because you would still have 7 inpen. Using Shield will give you 8 Inpen so you can afford to Trait one Divines to bump up your Magika Recovery. 

Please note though that if you do run Sword and Shield your Stamina pool is relatively low but with running 1 Divines you can afford to use Tristat Food instead of Witchmothers. So blocking with stamina won't be so bad providing you have the S&B passives maxed out. 

Breton is best for this build for the passives, but you can run Argonian both work insanely well. Breton has better resources but Argonian has more of a Survivability rate so the choice is yours. 

Use Witchmothers Food or Tristat depending on your Magika Regen.

Mundus Stone: The Atronach

Tristat Potions: Essence of Health


General Info


Hi guys this build has been tried and tested for many weeks. It has been a challenge working with various gear sets, enchants, Traits etc and this is the finished result. Please note though this build was designed for Battlegrounds although I am sure it will do really well in Cyrodil. I will go over some CP points to maximise it's survivability and damage output later on.

Now I'm not going to say this is a high burst build because it isn't. When self buffed you still hit like a truck though! With the Weapon Enchant proc active you will be running around 2800 Spell Damage which is still nice. I will highlight the pros and cons below.

::::::::::THE PROS::::::::::

1. 27K +25k Resistances, making you tanky and easily be able to 3v1 4v1 a fight with Northern Storm active + Living Trellis. 

2. Were running 7 Inpen on gear since CP falls off in Battlegrounds it's important to maintain  moderate Critical Resistance. This build with the Shield and Sword option is around 2k Critical Resistance. Making you survive way better.

3. Great sustain with Heals and Harness Magika + Blue Betty being able to remove 1 Harmful effect. You can spam this over and over until your free of nasty D.O.T.S. If you use the Ice staff option on the back bar the survivability goes up even higher as you can block cast your defensive abilities and it will use magika to block rather than stamina which we want to keep to use break free or roll dodge.

4. Even though we are tanky and have the greatest survivability we also deal a ton of damage with our D.O.T.S from Infection, Shock Reach and Deep Fissure combo pretty much 1 shots, and if you don't manage to 1 shot switch to Screaming Cliff Racer to execute. If we cast Infection twice we get a 50% increased damage bonus and trust me it really melts people!


::::::::::THE CONS::::::::::

1. Doesn't reach maximum damage potential, we rely on our D.O.T.S to do most of the work and Deep Fissure to land perfect. Using Shock Reach to Stun at the right time so Deep Fissure can reach it's maximum damage range by being right in their face. It will take practice and a lot if your new to this play style. Landing combo rotations can be very tricky with Fissure if you can not stun a target or if they have fast movement.

2. We have a very large Magika Pool for obvious reasons. But since we run Spell Damage Enchants on the Jewelry we do need at least 1 Magika Recovery Glyph. We can't really put more than that as already our damage can only reach 2800 and we don't want it being any lower. Without CP points were aiming for 1500 to 1600 Magika Recovery but that of course is gained from the Passives of skill lines. Without these passives you may struggle in some fights if you have to spam shields and heals. Heavy attacks are important to sustain better.

3. While we can 3v1 and 4v1 we can really only do it while we have Northern Storm up as it gives us a 30% damage reduction. Trying it without can work but it can be a bad idea especially if enemy players are running high penetration. Ultimate is a 200 cost so it can take a little while to get back up, but if you are killing players you will fill it fairly quick since you get 20 ultimate from the Assault skill line when you kill any player plus other ultimate gains in skill line passives.  

4. Since we have good Health and Magika our Stamina is very low we need to use Witchmothers Food for the Magika Recovery it's important. You can run Tristat food and  it will give you around 14 to 15k Stamina but if you do use that you will find yourself struggling with magika gains and you will need to heavy attack twice as much. Option is up to you though.





Build Rating

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  • NRG2K018
    Dec 3, 2018

    Just wanted to add that you can also use Blessing of Protection for extra survivability and not use Cliff Racer on the back bar, although it’s a nice execute. You gain extra resistances for you and your group as well as a nice heal of 5k. I don’t recommend it for solo play but if your running a premade team it’s a nice option to have.

    And for anyone wondering why were using Northern Storm rather than Permafrost is simply because of the 8% Magika we get from it and this is also why we will be running it on front and back. You don’t really need to use any other ultimate as our tankiness and living Trellis is more than enough to survive with. Depending what Battleground you will be playing you could use other ultimates. For an example if you are playing Chaosball then you could use Healing Thicket on the back bar, this will give you great sustain if you are getting over mobbed.

    Also you can be a vampire but it’s not important. I personally don’t like using Vampire in PvP because there’s always so much flame damage from abilities and monster set procs. Personal choice but if you like using Elusive mist then go for it.

    Hope I’ve explained the guide well enough for every one if there is anything you want to know more about let me know.

    Rotation Abilities: Back Bar x1 Light Attack to gain the damage buff. Switch to Main Bar. x2 Festering Infection followed by Deep Fissure, straight into Shock Reach to Stun, Deep Fissure again straight away and Insta switch to Back Bar and use Cliff Racer to Execute. Rinse and repeat providing they are low enough health to execute with Cliff Racer. If not keep Deep Fissure active and make sure DOTS are up on them and spam Shock Reach.

  • MajorJ
    Dec 15, 2018

    How are you able to get 21k health?

  • Onizazul
    Jan 8, 2019

    You never went over cp

  • Frauginit
    Mar 3, 2019

    Plus you have 2 ultimates on bar 2, can tou update this please. I love the build and have been using it and making slight adjustments for my game play style.

  • FraaxHead
    Jul 26, 2019

    @Frauginit – Would you mind sharing what adjustments you made to the build to personalize to your style? I’m interested in trying this build as well, so I’m curious how you play it.


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