
PVP Pet Sorc

Author: BadonkaGronk862


Race: Altmer (High Elf)

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

24.2k 43.6k 11.7k




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Destruction Staff

Crushing Shock

Destruction Staff Skill

Crushing Shock

Force Shock


Summon Volatile Familiar

Sorcerer Skill

Summon Volatile Familiar

Summon Unstable Familiar


Crystal Fragments

Sorcerer Skill

Crystal Fragments

Crystal Shard


Summon Twilight Matriarch

Sorcerer Skill

Summon Twilight Matriarch

Summon Winged Twilight


Endless Fury

Sorcerer Skill

Endless Fury

Mages Fury


Soul Assault

Soul Magic Skill

Soul Assault

Soul Strike


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Restoration Staff

Daedric Prey

Sorcerer Skill

Daedric Prey

Daedric Curse


Summon Volatile Familiar

Sorcerer Skill

Summon Volatile Familiar

Summon Unstable Familiar


Healing Ward

Restoration Staff Skill

Healing Ward

Steadfast Ward


Hardened Ward

Sorcerer Skill

Hardened Ward

Conjured Ward


Summon Twilight Matriarch

Sorcerer Skill

Summon Twilight Matriarch

Summon Winged Twilight


Greater Storm Atronach

Sorcerer Skill

Greater Storm Atronach

Summon Storm Atronach


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
5 1 1


Gear and Item Set Info


2 piece Blood spawn (heavy helm, medium shoulder)

5 piece Necropotence

5 piece bright throats boast

(All impen, tri-stat on helm/chest/legs)

Run the lady mundus to get solid 20k resists, 2.8k crit resist (for shields)




General Info


Pet builds are not ideal, especially on console due to a lack of control of the pets' targetting. In a 1v1 or 1v2 however, they can be incredibly effective. Pets serve as a distraction and targetting block for your opponents (real form of defense if you play well and constantly move near/around your pets) and add constant damage.

This is not my playstyle. I have played the cheese single-target meta sorc build for ages (DW back pre frags nerf, rune cage during the summerset run-cage-pocolypse) but I have seen some real potential of a pet sorc in the hands of good players.


Another option is atro on front bar, Lights Champion on back bar.


Champion Point Tips


This is meant to be a fully annoying build: so dump a load into siphoner. The playstyle is about that constant pet damage building on your personal frags and crushing shock weaving. This will wear down the best oponnent. Keep 41 in bastion: ahrdened ward will actually be more powerful than before with the 20k resists and the massive 24.2k health (12k hardened with those resists is actually solid defense, allowing for a healing ward and quick matriarch heal under the wards if youre in a tough spot)




Build Rating

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  • Kyle
    Dec 15, 2018

    I like this build but i wish u put more info for thr champ points it makes it seem like your not an 810 and if the build is in used as an 810 then how we ganna know if it works

  • MirrorFalconX
    Jan 2, 2019

    Totally FLOP bro, try something else 😉


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