Bloodthirsty (PvE) Dragonbones DLC
Race: Redguard
Main Role: Damage
Health, Magicka, Stamina
0 | 0 | 64 |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: Dual Wield

Dual Wield Skill
Rending Slashes

Dual Wield Skill
Deadly Cloak

Assault Skill
Resolving Vigor

Warden Skill
Subterranean Assault

Warden Skill
Bull Netch

Dual Wield Skill
Bar 2
Weapon 2: Two Handed

Two Handed Skill
Wrecking Blow

Two Handed Skill

Fighters Guild Skill
Rearming Trap

Warden Skill
Bird of Prey

Warden Skill
Green Lotus

Fighters Guild Skill
Flawless Dawnbreaker
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
0 | 7 | 0 |
Gear and Item Set Info
The gear setup is focused on bleeding and getting our bleed damage maximized as much as possible. With this in mind, there's really only two gear sets that make this build work well with bleeding and by surprise, they come out of the Horns of Reach DLC.
Head - Velidreth/Selene | Infused/Divine
Shoulders - Velidreth/Selene | Infused/Divine
Chest - Blooddrinker | Infused/Dvine
Gloves - Blooddrinker | Infused/Divine
Boots - Pillar of Nirn | Infused/Divine
Legs - Pillar of Nirn | Infused/Divine
Waist - Pillar of Nirn | Infused/Divine
Ring(s) - Blooddrinker | Weapon Damage + Robust
Amulet - Blooddrinker | Weapon Damage + Robust
Bar 1 Duel wield(Axe+Dagger) - Pillar of Nirn | Stamina absorb + Sharpened
Bar 2 Two-Hander(Axe) - Maelstrom | Stamina abosrb + Sharpened
So why Blooddrinker and Pillar of Nirn? With a full set of Blooddrinker, our bleed DoT effects are increased by 20% damage done. That means our bleed damage from Twin Slashes, Cleave, the bleed proc from using axes dualwield and two-handed, and the bleed damage from Pillar of Nirn all gain a boost of damage just from the set alone. Which leads us to Pillar of Nirn, giving us a 2,000 initial hit damage, plus an extra 8,000 bleed DoT that last for 10 seconds. This is amazing because we can only proc the set bonus of Pillar of Nirn every 10 seconds, so within the cooldown time we are dealing a constant stream of damage and once the cool down comes off, we can repeat and with hope, we can continuously keep the bleed damage going.
General Info
When creating this build, I've had a lot of people ask, "Why bleed?" And to plainly put it, It's something that isn't done often. Which got me thinking, just what abilities actually cause bleeding? So doing a bit of research, I found that both the dual wield and two-hander both have great ways of causing bleeds. Doing a little bit of grinding for the right sets and putting things in the right places, and this was born! Now some of you still maybe skeptical about the build and yes, I do share some of your concerns. That being said, it works awfully well!
+ The damage is on par with many other builds out there.
+ We do lose that range factor not having a bow in our bar 2 setup, but with bleeding, even if we have to duck away from combat, we're still dealing damage without being present.
+ Great stamina management, especially with the warden class we should never run low.
+ We have great utility especially for dungeons/trials.
- I wouldn't recommend this build for PvP. It can be useful, but it's not your average button smashing Sorc build.
- Can be squishy at times, even with a heal we can find it hard in tough situations.
Build Rotation:
I'll try to make this easy as I possibly can so you can understand how everything falls together.
Before Combat - Buff yourself with Bull Netch then switch to bar 2 and buff yourself with Bird of Prey and Green Lotus. It is crucial that we have all three going at all times to maximize damage. While staying on bar 2 we'll move on into combat.
During Combat - Start by throwing a Rearming Trap down and then swing with Carve. Switch over to bar 1 (If you're Ultimate is ready, use Rend when you switch to bar 1) then use Deadly Cloak. Use Rending Slashes. Then to finish off your rotation, you'll first use Subterranean Assualt switch over to your bar 2, then use Wrecking Blow. Repeat this rotation, but in the second rotation, skip Deadly Cloak as it lasts for 15 seconds and won't need to be used again till after your second rotation. Make sure to use Rend whenever it's ready and keep those buffs up whenever they go down.
*NOTE* make sure to auto-attack between each ability to maximize damage, and heavy-attack when running low on stamina.
Champion Point Tips
Champion Points: 300
Thaumaturge - 33
Mighty - 33
Piercing - 23
Percise Strikes - 11
Mooncalf - 62
Tenacity - 38
Ironclad - 48
Thick Skinned - 20
Hardy - 16
Elemental Defender - 16
The champion points are entirely up to you. This is how I have my setup currently just as an example.
I run something similar to this but no pvp or fighters guild skills. I also run 2 heavy and 5 medium. The 2 heavy help with the damage recieving.