CQC Necropotence Sorcerer
Health, Magicka, Stamina
- | -64 | - |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: Dual Wield

Sorcerer Skill
Summon Twilight Tormentor

Sorcerer Skill
Hardened Ward

Sorcerer Skill
Daedric Prey

Dual Wield Skill
Quick Cloak

Sorcerer Skill
Crystal Fragments

Mages Guild Skill
Shooting Star
Bar 2
Weapon 2: One Handed And Shield

Sorcerer Skill
Summon Twilight Tormentor

Light Armor Skill
Harness Magicka

Mages Guild Skill

Sorcerer Skill

One Hand And Shield Skill
Defensive Stance

Sorcerer Skill
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
5 | 1 | 1 |
Gear and Item Set Info
Breeches NecropotenceSash NecropotenceEpaulets NecropotenceShoes NecropotenceGloves NecropotenceShirt GossamerHead GossamerNecklace GossamerRing GossamerRing WillpowerSword WillpowerSword WillpowerOne-handed WillpowerShield WillpowerMax Magicka Enchantment (add Magicka Recovery if solo PVPing) Mage Mundus Stone (change to Atronach if solo PVPing)Infused Trait
General Info
3rd BarSummon Twilight TormentorDark DealShuffleDaedric MinefieldEfficient PurgePet deals damage per 2 secSummon Twilight Tormentor & Daedric Prey Active Buff_+105% Pet DamageRNG ComboDegeneration_procs Empower & gives Major SorceryCrystal Fragments_procs RuffianShooting Star_procs EmpowerCrystal FragmentsDamage comes from this list.Summon Twilight TormentorDaedric PreyDegenerationCrystal FragmentsShooting StarWeavingUtility AbilitiesStreak_gap closerDaedric Minefield_used in tight spaceDefensive AbilitiesHardened Ward_damage shieldHarness Magicka_damage shieldDark Deal_restores stamina & healthEfficient Purge_counters DOTSShuffle_RNG DodgeQuick Cloak_20% AOE damage reductionDefensive Stance_so Shooting Star don't reflect back to me
Champion Point Tips
Steed1 Spell ShieldLady (Depends on Current Meta)1+z Thick Skinnedx Elemental Defendery HardyLord100 BastionTower100 MagicianArcanist1 Arcanist1 Healthy1 MooncalfShadow73 Shadow Ward1 TumblingApprentice100 Elemental Expert1 Spell Erosion1 ElfbornAtronach75 Shattering Blows
organized with line break
I forgot to include this on the link.
3rd Bar
Summon Twilight Tormentor
Dark Deal
Daedric Minefield
Efficient Purge