
Just Chill

Author: BigSilver96

Just Chill


Race: Breton

Main Role: Tank

Health, Magicka, Stamina

35k (buffed) 27k 9k




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Destruction Staff

Ice Fortress

Warden Skill

Ice Fortress

Frost Cloak


Elemental Blockade

Destruction Staff Skill

Elemental Blockade

Wall of Elements


Winters Revenge

Warden Skill

Winters Revenge

Arctic Wind


Polar Wind

Warden Skill

Polar Wind

Impaling Shards



Heavy Armor Skill



Northern Storm

Warden Skill

Northern Storm

Sleet Storm


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Destruction Staff

Elemental Drain

Destruction Staff Skill

Elemental Drain

Weakness to Elements


Inner Rage

Undaunted Skill

Inner Rage

Inner Fire


Blue Betty

Warden Skill

Blue Betty

Betty Netch


Leeching Vines

Warden Skill

Leeching Vines

Living Vines


Enchanted Growth

Warden Skill

Enchanted Growth

Fungal Growth


Enchanted Forest

Warden Skill

Enchanted Forest

Secluded Grove


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
2 0 5


Gear and Item Set Info


The 3 sets I’m running are 2-piece Valkyn Skoria (City of Ash 2 monster set), Kragenac’s Hope (8-trait crafted set), and the Shroud of the Lich (Crypt of Hearts farmed). I run 2-piece light, 5-piece heavy, and I have the Kragenac’s hope completed by an ice staff on the front bar, and the Lich set completed by an ice staff on the backbar.

All my armor is in divines, and my staves are one sharpened, one precise. Two jewelry pieces are enchanted for spell damage, one for magicka recovery. My front bar weapon is enchanted with bezerker (increased spell damage), and the backbar staff is absorb magicka.

It is possible to switch out Valkyn Skoria for another set, such as a tankier monster set, but I enjoy it for the amount of times it procs from ice damage over time.



General Info


This is an off-tank/main tank player. My method of running it is to ice-fortress up and then to aggro EVERYTHING by using blockade, arctic blast, and gripping shards. In groups of adds, this rotation works like a charm, because, by applying affects to the adds, they usually do aggro to you, and then because they are also immobilized and set in the target of Valkyn Skoria. Then, when I am low on resources, I will switch to the backbar and buff up with the blue betty, elemental drain, and leeching vines (as well as the Lich, when my magicka is low). Once buffed, I will throw out inner fire to harder ads and/or a boss, and then swap back to the   damage bar, where, after a light or heavy attack, I will go down the list of DoTs again.

For food, I run basic max health/max magicka food. Witchmother’s brew is an option here (and it would buff up the magicka recovery to a crazy number), but I prefer to increase my max stats as much as possible.

My mundas is the Lady, giving me any resistance I might be lacking from the two pieces of light armor.

An option for an alternative skill to leeching vines is lotus blossom, which will give major prophesy when activated. However, I have settled on living vines just because I can place in on either team members or myself, and that I do not throw out enough light and heavy attacks to make lotus blossom compete with health return.



Champion Point Tips


Priority goes on champion buffs that 1. heal me, 2. increase my magicka recovery/return from heavy attacks, 3. reduce cost of block/reduce physical and spell damage taken, 4. Increase my healing and damage done by criticals, 5. Increase my spell damage done, 6. reduce my damage taken from area effects/direct damage taken.




Build Rating

Rating: 2.5/5. From 6 votes.
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  • Pete
    Feb 25, 2018


      Mar 1, 2018

      or idk, you could give some actual feedback instead of giving a one word opinion like a tool

      • Pete
        Mar 7, 2018

        OK, fair enough.

        What you have here is a build which is somewhere between healer and tank, but is not as strong as a build which commits to those roles.

        No war horn, no major fracture, mediocre heals, 35k in max health with the gear and race you have chosen is going to leave you with a small pool for all the buffs and inner rage to catch aggro – heavy attack is your only option after that, which is too slow in fights with multiple opponents, s’n’b is always the better choice; you want it on at least one bar.

        There are other faults, but I got things to do so I’ll leave you with that to chew on for now.

        Be a tank, or be a healer.

        • BigSilver96
          Mar 9, 2018

          Hi, Pete!
          Thanks for the feedback. My answer to many of your critiques is actually fairly simple—this is not a BiS tank. I was actually rather surprised to hear you mention it being a “healer” because, as far as I’m concerned, it is more or a dps/tank than anything. Yes—it does have a lot of *self*-healing (emphasis on SELF, because the only group heals it has are not enough to be dedicated. The reason that it has so many self heals, in fact, is because the warden gets a %10 health buff when healing itself, and (this class being without a strong shield in general) being able to stack 3 or 4 HoTs on yourself is very useful. I will admit that it is a relatively low-health tank (compared to a BiS build), but it is able to survive quite a lot with its self-healing and buffs (such as vCoA, vCoS, and even vFH). As for resources, you might be surprised to hear that I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with magicka resource. This is due to my creatively using skills to return magicka. The only other replies I have are: 1. Why does a tank have to have major fracture if half of the stamina dps I know have it already? and 2. I CAN slot warhorn if it is needed; the only reason I don’t for this build is because I really enjoy using the ultimates above, and the healing ultimate (as silly as it seems to be found on a tank) has actually saved the lives of hundreds of groups in vet pve content. This is not a comment to argue my case with, but simply an attempt to explain why I personally enjoy this build.

          • Pete
            Mar 20, 2018


            I started typing counter points here then realised the utter futility of it all.

            You go ahead mate, wear 5 pieces of heavy, slot Inner Rage and call yourself a tank, wear Skoria, slot Northern Storm and Elemental Blockade and call yourself a DPS, slot Enchanted Forest, Enchanted Growth, Leeching Vines and Polar Wind and say you’re not a healer. Completely viable in vet content and trials.

            BS mate!

  • Patrick
    Mar 31, 2018

    I like being creative and this is creative.!! Kudos

    • LinBaden98
      Apr 21, 2018

      Strong alias BigSilver96!


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