
Outlasting Assassin

Author: The Sweet Leaf XB1


Race: KhajiitKhajiit

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

17k - 19k 8k 27k - 36k




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Two Handed

Surprise Attack

Nightblade Skill

Surprise Attack

Veiled Strike



Two Handed Skill




Evil Hunter

Fighters Guild Skill

Evil Hunter

Expert Hunter


Killer's Blade

Nightblade Skill

Killer's Blade

Assassin's Blade



Nightblade Skill


Teleport Strike


Soul Harvest

Nightblade Skill

Soul Harvest

Death Stroke


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Bow

Siphoning Attacks

Nightblade Skill

Siphoning Attacks

Siphoning Strikes


Resolving Vigor

Assault Skill

Resolving Vigor



Relentless Focus

Nightblade Skill

Relentless Focus

Grim Focus


Razor Caltrops

Assault Skill

Razor Caltrops



Arrow Barrage

Bow Skill

Arrow Barrage



Soul Tether

Nightblade Skill

Soul Tether

Soul Shred


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
0 7 0


Gear and Item Set Info


This is an all around Stamina Nightblade PvE build, it is not going to give you the best performance out in cyrodiil but you can make it work. (I have a completely different way I run in PvP so we can get into that later). This build provides a very nice output of DPS while actually being able to substain quite nicely. The action bar up top on 2h says Shadowy Disquise as one of your skills, that is your choice. As a NB, most people like cloak in PvE & PvP but it truly isnt necessary. For PvE I will typically add another buff instead, such as evil hunter. The gear that I run on this build is 5x Hunding's Rage, 3x Night mother, 3x Endurance (All weapon dmg enchants). The reason I chose these sets is because Hundings, well you know... its Hundings... but Night Mothers Gaze, with the 3 piece gives Crit & Damage so if you can get it gold and snag a 3rd piece, even as shoulder (replace for kena), it runs the same damage output as kena. Now, a lot of questions will be asked on the endurance but if you can get weapon dmg enchants on each piece, all gold, then you can get a very similar output of damage as you would with agility. You lose 1k Stam but in return get 1400 health, and if it bothers you all that much you can always respec your attributes. This will make your character sheet look quite nicely and we will continue that in the next area.


General Info


Here is where Ill explain a little bit between the difference of how this stamina nightblade plays in PvE and PvP. PvE will be covered more thoroughly due to this thread being focused mostly on PvE build. With knowing what type of gear and what abilities will be ran, I will explain more on the playstyle of this class. Honestly, I dont think of this nightblade much of a stealthy guy anymore. You can sacrifice the stealth to gain a lot more desired stats and that is why I run it this way. You can run this type of nightblade on just about any stamina based race but the best three in my opinion would be Khajiit, Wood Elf, and Redguard. Sorry Ebonfart ;) If you do not have adventurers pack, you will most likely be joining the wonderful Aldmeri Dominion with this build. This is a full stamina based character, so honestly potions should be very easy to determine... Stamina... Add some health & speed or health & weapon crit if you do yourself a little alchemy. The stats you will be aiming to achieve for an end game build would be the ones displayed above.

Some stats that didnt get showed:

2.8k - 3.8k Weapon Damage - with this you can choose between whether or not you want more stamina, more critical chance, more critical damage, and that is why that has such a large range.

1.2k - 1.6k Stam Recovery - Endurance will get you a nice chunk of recovery and if you choose a wood elf this number will go up, possibly even past 1.6k but remember that Siphoning Attacks will be able to provide a decent amount of substainability. You can also choose to lose extra weapon damage and run 1x Blood Spawn for 150+ Extra recovery, again all up to what you like to do.

10 - 12k Resistances - This one isnt as easy to change. Champion points can help out to an extent but medium armor can only resist so much huh

400 + Magic & Health Recovery - Only because its nice to at least have it recover quicker. Sometimes the idea of vigor being more of a health recovery buff comes into my mind and Vigor is quite a nice self heal.

60-80% Crit - Night Mother & Hundings do well of helping this, champion points will add another 12%, khajiit (which is broken currently) adds a bit more, evil hunter will add more but can be replaced. 

Mundus Stones :This can truly be used for any stamina based stones, one that truly will blow you away is The Shadow mundus. This mundus increases your critical strike damage and with a high crit build, your crits will be doing obsurd amounts of it.

The Strengths of this class are you can put people down and you can put people down fast. Your 2h bar will provide a very high output of DPS and your Bow bar will provide a nice platform of buffs with 2 DOT's that enemies can soak in if places correctly. Ad control with this class is very very easy. 

The Weaknesses are losing stealth, I know I say its not a huge deal and it really isnt but it truly is a weakness to this build. If there were room for the stealth, it could make this build even more outrageous but thats probably why it is unallowed! Ha!


Now we can talk quickly about the PvP build. For my Stamina Nightblade in PvP I run 2h/DW (not bow) because in PvP it provides more face to face conflict and that is the best situation a stamina nightblade can be in. There isnt much change rather than arrow barrage for steel tornado and rapid maneuvers LOL in place of relentless focus. I also run the max health & Stam recovery food while in PvP because recovery gets you a lot further in cyrodiil than it does in a dungeon. The cloak is necessary for PvP, you need the stealthiness of a Nightblade to fully utilize it. Drop evil hunter. Very fun to play in PvP and I will create another post going more into detail on how to run that character just starting out and even how to set it up as an emperor!




All Im here to do is provide you with information to help start your own build. I very strongly hope not one of you directly copies this build to every grain of salt because thats partially the fun of the game. Just use this advice and strategy and continue making YOUR build all the much better. Thank you very much for choosing this build to enlighten yourself with, I hope it helped inmensly.


Champion Point Tips


RED TREE: ( 60 Hardy, 60, Elemental Defender, 37 Quick Recovery )

GREEN TREE: ( 50 Warlord, 75 Mooncalf, 32 Tumbling)

BLUE TREE: ( 100 Precise BABY, + shadow mundus + trap beast = HOLY F$#^/@(¥2K, 37 Mighty ) Trust me, try this.




Build Rating

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  • Farsighted
    Mar 15, 2016

    Could you please give us an overview of the play style/rotation?

    • The Sweet Leaf
      Mar 18, 2016

      Hey man, apologies for late response but like I said this is more of a PvE build. Always have your buffs placed, will always throw caltrops & arrow barrage on top of the main focus of the mob, want that to hit as many as possible, then here is where you pull out your 2h and get up in the enemy’s face. With two handed just crit charge, heavy attack, surprise attack, killers blade. The damage coming from the arrow barrage and caltrops will normally have the enemy down a nice chunk of health so you may not even need the full rotation for kill, if you find yourself in a situation where the NPC is stronger and has more health, then weave heavy, surprise attack, light, surprise attack, heavy…. If the NPC is not an enemy you can fight closely, back off and but out the bow baw, heavy attack and use relentless focus (assasins will) for your focus on DPS, this will provide a little more safety but losing damage, There is a lot of bar swapping involved but once you get it down, it is very easy to execute


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