PVP Stamplar by DjKahun
Health, Magicka, Stamina
- | - | MAX |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: Two Handed
Nightblade Skill
Templar Skill
Templar Skill
Biting Jabs
Templar Skill
Binding Javelin
Two Handed Skill
Critical Rush
Fighters Guild Skill
Flawless Dawnbreaker
Bar 2
Weapon 2: Two Handed
Two Handed Skill
Templar Skill
Ritual of Retribution
Templar Skill
Power of the Light
Fighters Guild Skill
Evil Hunter
Assault Skill
Resolving Vigor
Vampire Skill
Devouring Swarm
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
0 | 7 | 0 |
Gear and Item Set Info
Currently is: 5x Hundings Rage 2x Shield Breaker 3x Agility Finished build will be: 5x Hundings Rage 2x Morag Tong 3x Agility 1x Molag Kena
General Info
First of all buff up using 2nd bar Rally & Evil Hunter, then tag the enemy using Power of The Light reduced armour and does 33% of total damage done within 6 seconds very handy. Then switch to 1st bar use binding javeling to knock the down then close the gap using critical rush and span biting jabs, finish with executioner (not required as executioner gives extra damage to low health enemies so can carry on using biting jabs) Of course heal with vigor when required. Repentance for the 10% regen. Purifying Ritual to remove any negative effects Using flawless dawnbreaker for extra damage. Devouring swarm main ulti heals and deals damage to multiple enemies. Mundus Stone the Warrior ofc. I'm able to achieve above 2k stam regen and 3.3k weapon damage, of course weapon damage will be higher once i have completely finished this build.
Changed the set around a bit, achieved 4k Weapon Damage 1.6k Recovery.
Would love if you edit the page so I can see the changes you made! 🙂
Changed jewerly enchantments to Weapon Damage and 2x Morag Tong.
What’s the rotation? Super newby.
Mundus Stone?
J – It’s all there.
Replaced Power of the Light with Caltrops.
One last thing. Sorry about all these posts. Where do you place Champion Points?
Can’t remember on top my head but I put around 60 into Stam Recovery 40 into reduce cost of Stamina spells, about 25 into Spell Resistance, 30 into Critical Resistance, quite a lot into Physical Damage, I also put 1 into a couple of them just for the 1% bonus. Can’t remember all of them on top of my head figure it out. 😛
I actually started something similar about a month ago. Your a little more skilled than me I believe. We are nearly identical in builds though… My question is… after I come in with Critical Rush, I have been using Wrecking Blow (in place of Executioner), and then Jabs to finish them off if necessary.
I am on a console so I can’t really see the damage to compare the two. What are your thoughts on that? I use “snare” with Critical Rush to make them easier to hit. I know they don’t get the knock back because they are already stunned… But which has the better DPS Jabs and Executioner, or Wrecking Blow + Jabs?
Wrecking Blow can be handy because it knocks them back and does 20% more damage next hit but the only annoying disadvantage is see in this skill is the cast time. For the knockback I use Binding Javelin as that’s ranged and can hit quite good sometimes, so what I do is Crit Rush, Binding Javeling, Crit Rush again, spam Jabs, finish with Executioner. I prefer Biting Jabs to Wrecking Blow as you get higher crit chance and its instant + doesn’t use much Stamina, I personally think that its the best DPS for a Templar. The Executioner is also great as all your spells do 18% more damage on low Health targets, if there’s a lot of enemies in a small space I just don’t even switch to Executioner to finish them off as Jabs would just kill all of them lol, I would use Executioner only if I’m fighting 1v1 as that does hit quite hard when the Health is around 25%.
With the changes being added with Thieves Guild update I will probably replace Biting Jabs with Wrecking Blow as it will no longer knockback enemies and give you cc immunity, instead it will just give the other player a short snare! Thanks ZOS killing Templar and all stamina classes
What traits do you put on you weapons and armor