Stam DK PvP
Race: Altmer (High Elf)
Main Role: Damage
Health, Magicka, Stamina
22k | 10k | 40k |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: Dual Wield

Dual Wield Skill

Dragonknight Skill
Venomous Claw

Dragonknight Skill
Noxious Breath

Dual Wield Skill
Blood Craze

Fighters Guild Skill
Camouflaged Hunter

Dragonknight Skill
Take Flight
Bar 2
Weapon 2: One Handed And Shield

One Hand And Shield Skill
Heroic Slash

One Hand And Shield Skill

Dragonknight Skill
Dragon Fire Scale

Dragonknight Skill
Igneous Weapons

Assault Skill

One Hand And Shield Skill
Spell Wall
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
1 | 5 | 1 |
Gear and Item Set Info
I use 1 Heavy Mighty Chudan with 1 light chudan shoulder, then I have bone pirate jewelry with weapon damage enchants, 2 bone pirate body pieces, the rest hundings rage. I use dual wield hundings rage swords with nirn. Same for the one hand and shield. This makes for great stamina recovery with tankiness at all times. I sit at 28k in resistances + at least five pieces that have impen on them. On my dual wield bar I have 40k Stam with over 4K weapon damage buffed and 48% Crit as well. On my one hand and shield bar 41k. This build also has 1700 stamina recovery unbuffed, and 1900 with continuous attack up. (All stats are in cryodiill only)
General Info
I start with my gap closer invasion, immediately heroic slash to snare and build ultimate. Switch bars and apply dot abilities. Depending on the health and/or situational events choose to ulti then whirlwind or switch bars if being faced by multiple attackers to heal and defend. The dots will keep up the pressure usually ticking for at least 1k health against most enemies per dot ability giving you time to heal as you still do damage. Blood craze will also heal you every two seconds. If you did have to heal just simply redo the rotation and ulti then whirlwind when ready. When facing sorcs just keep an eye on their damage shield so you can time your ulti and whirlwind. Simply because you can’t Crit on a dam shield. If running in a group play just use flawless dawnbreaker as you would want some kind of crowd control. I have a ton of fun with this build and the survivability is pretty sweet too. Also I use Camaron drink. With the lover Mundus stone to add to physical penetration.
Champion Point Tips
On this just make sure you add to physical penetration, reduced block and dodge cost, Stam recovery, quick recovery and healing recovery. I’m still not max cp but take out people that higher levels than me fairly easily. Just expirement. Comment below and let me know what you think.
Not Bad For A Build!
Interesting concept, though have you tried mace/axe with infused and nirnhoned? Infused daedric damage and nirnhomed weapon damage then back bar can be a mace/shield. As much damage as swords give, pvp is a bit different than pve in the sense that sure doing damage is good, but resistances stack more on players so ignoring resistances and stacking bleed damage is a good way to get around that guy who has 70k health and 50k resistances. Other than that i think it’s pretty much set. On another note Corrosive armor is highly underrated in pvp for that protection and armor ignoring factor. If you’ve got the health and resistance, might be something to look at with a Nord or Imperial DK.
This build with max cp cap:
Warrior – 31 Ironhide, 30 Spell Shield, 10 resistant, 43 Hardy, 43 Elemental Defender, 43 Thick Skinned, 30 Expert Defender
Thief – 75 Tenacity, 50 Mooncalf, 34 Shadow Ward, 36 Tumbling, 35 Warlord
Mage – 35 Piercing, 56 Master-At-Arms, 21 Physical Weapons Expert, 56 Mighty, 31 Shattering Blows, 30 Blessed
(Just a personal setup that i think would do nicely)