
Stam DK (PvP)

Author: U Bite My Pill0


Race: ImperialImperial

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

22000-24000 10000 32000-34000




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Dual Wield

Rapid Strikes

Dual Wield Skill

Rapid Strikes



Venomous Claw

Dragonknight Skill

Venomous Claw

Searing Strike


Blood Craze

Dual Wield Skill

Blood Craze

Twin Slashes


Empowering Chains

Dragonknight Skill

Empowering Chains

Fiery Grip


Dragon Fire Scale

Dragonknight Skill

Dragon Fire Scale

Reflective Scale


Pack Leader

Werewolf Skill

Pack Leader

Werewolf Transformation


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Bow

Poison Injection

Bow Skill

Poison Injection

Poison Arrow


Lethal Arrow

Bow Skill

Lethal Arrow



Igneous Weapons

Dragonknight Skill

Igneous Weapons

Molten Weapons


Resolving Vigor

Assault Skill

Resolving Vigor



Coagulating Blood

Dragonknight Skill

Coagulating Blood

Dragon Blood


Flawless Dawnbreaker

Fighters Guild Skill

Flawless Dawnbreaker



Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
1 5 1


Gear and Item Set Info


Gear: 5 Hundings, 1 Molag K Shoulder, 2/3 Night Mothers Silance, 3 Endurance (Rings and Ammulet). Enchant Weapon Damage glyphs on both rings and Stam Regen on the Ammy.

Armor and Weapon Traits and Enchantments: You want Infused armor trait on the, Helmet, Chest, Legs and one other armor part. Why not divines? Divines has diminishing returns for anything past 20%. So if you had +41% divines your actually only receiving about 27%... Not good. So only put divines on 3 of the SMALL armor peices (Shoulders, Belt, Gloves and Boots are "Small") due to their small enchantment bonus. Weapons Precise or Nirnhoned, with +Weapon Damage for 5 seconds on Both Swords and Disease on the Bow. 

Food: I HIGHLY recommend the +X HP and +X Stam REGENERATION blue quality food.

Mundus Stone: Either Weapon Damage or Stam Regen, whichever you feel. If I'm Below 2200 Stam Regen, I pick the Regen Mundus. If not it's the Weapon Power Stone.







General Info


For NON-Seige situations Swap out Lethal Arrow for either Pertify or another hard CC. Snipe is great for Keep taking or Defending but in the Sewers or in open field combat it's almost useless. I prefer Petrify to setup for a easy can't possably miss Dawnbreaker shot and for those who gap close on you while on my bow bar. Especially NB... Since Petrify  makes the target CC break twice to fully get out of it. Once to break the stun and again to break the 4 Second Root. It's awesome to drain Stam from "burst" Stam DPS players (NB) and throwing them on off their rotation and putting them on the scramble as long as you push and keep up with aggressive pressure. But 9 out of 10 times they cloak and run for it.

If your being pressed and need to heal pop Coag Blood THEN Vigor, Coag Blood + Passives gives +20% healing recived alone, add points to quick recovery, blessed and heavy armor passive to easily get +30% healing while Coag Blood is up.

If all else fails and your about to die go warewolf on them, the Passive "Battle Roar" will heal you to full Heath effectively, so go full on aggressive and stay right on top of your target.




Champion Point Tips


Turmaturge and Mighty are your DPS boosters since Rapid Strikes, Unstable Flame, Blood Craze, Posion Injection and Dawnbreaker all count as damage over time effects, so you can double dip on a few of these by splitting points between them. I have a +17.5% increase in both. So all skills that are Physical, or Poison DoTs (Blood Craze, Rapid Stikes, Poison Injcetion) have +35% damage increase. While Unstable and Dawnbreaker, and Lethal Arrow, get a 17.5% bump from either Turm or Mighty.

Resistant, Hardy and Elemental Defender for damage Mitigation. Mooncalf and Warlord for Stam management.

But put a few in Quick Recovery, Blessed and Tumbling.




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