Summerset MagWarden PVP
Race: Argonian
Main Role: Damage
Health, Magicka, Stamina
0 | 64 | 0 |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: Destruction Staff

Destruction Staff Skill
Force Pulse

Warden Skill
Screaming Cliff Racer

Warden Skill
Deep Fissure

Warden Skill
Shimmering Shield

Mages Guild Skill
Inner Light

Soul Magic Skill
Soul Assault
Bar 2
Weapon 2: One Handed And Shield

Warden Skill
Ice Fortress

Warden Skill
Living Trellis

Warden Skill
Bird of Prey

Light Armor Skill
Harness Magicka

Warden Skill
Blue Betty

Warden Skill
Healing Thicket
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
5 | 1 | 1 |
Gear and Item Set Info
*All gear divines and max mag*
1 domihaus (shoulder light)
5 Amberplasm (as many non-jewlery as you can get)
5 Twice-Born Star (Heavy Chest, Medium Pants)
1 Fire Staff Perfected Asylum (nirn + frost glyph)
trash 2 piece S&B that has regen (seducer/lich/etc) => (sword powered, shield infused +max mag to even out bar swap magicka)
General Info
1) Twice-born star? YES thats right, its back. You wont be hurting on the crit resist because some help in CP and constant shields. As long as you can justify all divines, TBS is actually not a terrible set when played correctly. ust know you will have to react REALLY fast on defense.
2) Yes, we lost the CC from our deep fissure. Nerf StamWardens apparently was seen as CRIPPLE magwardens and leave stam alone... But with a fissure + bird + soul assault that will still melt most players pretty quick, especially now that our fissure will include major breach.
3) You can resto the back bar if you want, its a lost space because the absolute necessity of the asylum staff. The reaason i run S&B is for the few times i need to block and to get that infused shield to even out front/back bar max stats
4) Go with mage/apprentice as mundus stones and add penn in CP. Youll want the extra mag for the shield size as it has been moved to the back bar
5) If things look like shit without a CC, swap flame reach for inner light on the front. it will only drop your max mag a bit, and add the needed utility of a CC.
*** Full gold should have near the following stats: 42k mag, 24k health, 13k stam. 2k mag recovery, 12k stam recovery. fully buffed (w/ weapon and in cyrodiil) 4k spell damag.
Champion Point Tips
Red: 51 bastion, 43 quick recovery, 32 hardy, 32 ele defender, 28 ironclad, 54 resistant.
Blue: 20 shattering blows, 51 MAA, 39 staff expert, 56 ele expert, 11 spell erosion, 20 elfborn, 43 blessed.
Green: 2 shadow ward, 28 tumbling, 75 arcanist, 39 sprinter, 56 siphoner, 40 warlord.