The Reaper
Health, Magicka, Stamina
18,000-20,000 (Desirable at VR16) | 25,000-30,000 (Desirable at VR16) | 8,000-10,000 (Desirable at VR16) |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: Destruction Staff
Destruction Staff Skill
Force Pulse
Templar Skill
Radiant Ward
Templar Skill
Breath of Life
Templar Skill
Purifying Light
Light Armor Skill
Harness Magicka
Vampire Skill
Devouring Swarm
Bar 2
Weapon 2: Dual Wield
Templar Skill
Radiant Oppression
Mages Guild Skill
Inner Light
Assault Skill
Proximity Detonation
Templar Skill
Toppling Charge
Templar Skill
Solar Barrage
Mages Guild Skill
Ice Comet
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
5 | 1 | 1 |
Gear and Item Set Info
Set Apparel: Engine Guardian: Engine Guardian Visage (Heavy), Engine Guardian Arm Cops (Medium) Spell Power Cure: Jerkin of Spell Power, Pants of Spell Power, Sash of Spell Power, Boots of Spell Power, Gloves of Spell Power Will Power: Necklace of Willpower, 2 Swords of Willpower (One-Handed), Inferno Staff of Willpower Cyrodiil's Light: 2 Rings of Cyrodiil's Light
General Info
General Info: Form: Vampire Magicka Enchant: Helmet (Heavy), Jerkin (Light), Pants (Light), Arm Cops (Medium), Gloves (Light), Sash (Light), & Shoes (Light) Increase Magical Enchant: Necklace, Ring & Band Absorb Magicka Enchant: Swords (One-Handed) Mundus Stone: The Atronach