
The Swamp Raider PVE

Author: MindOfTheSwarm


Race: Argonian

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

20k No Investment 30k+




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Bow

Poison Injection

Bow Skill

Poison Injection

Poison Arrow


Subterranean Assault

Warden Skill

Subterranean Assault



Shadow Silk

Undaunted Skill

Shadow Silk

Trapping Webs


Acid Spray

Bow Skill

Acid Spray

Arrow Spray


Growing Swarm

Warden Skill

Growing Swarm



Eternal Guardian

Warden Skill

Eternal Guardian

Feral Guardian


Bar 2

Weapon 2: One Handed And Shield

Resolving Vigor

Assault Skill

Resolving Vigor



Soothing Spores

Warden Skill

Soothing Spores

Fungal Growth


Green Lotus

Warden Skill

Green Lotus

Lotus Flower


Bull Netch

Warden Skill

Bull Netch

Betty Netch


Bird of Prey

Warden Skill

Bird of Prey

Falcons Swiftness


Eternal Guardian

Warden Skill

Eternal Guardian

Feral Guardian


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
1 5 1


Gear and Item Set Info


5 Swamp Raider

3 Agility Set

2 Velidreth, Molag Kena or Slimecraw (Ditch Bird Of Prey for another skill if picking Slimecraw)

1 Master Bow

1 Sword and Shield of Draugr's Heritage (for the 4% healing recieved bonus)



General Info


This build is all about Swamp Raider set and getting the most out of it. I feel it suits Warden the best due to you being able to have 100% uptime on the 5 piece bonus thanks to your Growing Swarm and Eternal Guardian. As you can see it is a themed build and that is why I chose Argonian. Argonians will benefit nicely from the healing passives and also push the Growing Swarm damage a little bit. The Eternal Guardian will deal Magic Damage but since Ults scale with your max stat it is a non issue especially when we look at our CP passives later. Master Bow will boost weapon damage further thanks to its bonus. Put weapon damage glyphs on your jewellery and they should ideally be Robust but Healthy if you don't have 3 Robust.

Standard rotation: Green Lotus, Bird of Prey, Bull Netch, Growing Swarm, Poison Injection, Shadow Silk, Subterranean Assault, Acid Spray, Acid Spray, Shadow Silk, Subterranean Assault, Acid Spray, Poison Injection. Repeat.

The nice thing about this rotation is that Shadow Silk and Subterranean Assault should explode at around the same time for burst.

The Bear will constantly be attacking too giving you extra damage all the while.

The proc from Swamp Raider lasts 10 seconds which is exactly how long Growing Swarm lasts, but after you first cast Growing Swarm it will spread to 6 other targets giving you another 10 seconds hence why we do not need to cast it as often. Along with the bear you will never have to worry about Swamp Raider bonus not being active. Growing Swarm does a lot of AOE DOT damage even on a Stamina build.

Velidreth fits this build perfectly due its bug based them, but Slimecraw is a crocodile so that works too, but in this case there is no need for Bird of Prey so you may switch it out for another skill (I recommend Leeching Vines for theme or Rearming Trap for DPS.) Kena is also viable due to the buff it will give your Swarm.

This is a very effective build and can be used in vMA and vet dungeons successfully. For vet trials it is not optimal but the damage is not that much lower so it can be run. Just don't expect to top those leaderboards. For PVP I would not really run this, but if you wish you can do.

This is a bug themed build made all the better if someone synergises some spiders for more bug based fun.


Champion Point Tips


We want to put points into Mighty to boost our Poison DPS, but points into Thaumaturge are a must to help our poison DOT's and our Growing Swarm. Put some points into Master-At-Arms to help out bear damage a little bit and put some points into Blessed to improve the healing done with Vigor and Soothing Spores.

Argonians lack in the Stamina Recovery area expect when chugging a potion so put points into Mooncalf.

Your red CP should be the usual Hardy, Elemental Defender etc but some points into Quick Recovery will also help out your healing recieved.




Build Rating

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  • Farscape
    Aug 30, 2017

    Haha, I love it. A pure bug based build that actually pulls fairly decent DPS. I see why you took Argonian, definitely sticks with the theme. I would say that Imperial or Red Guard might pull slightly more DPS, but yeah for this you can only really be Argonian. Well done.

  • Fixtobee
    Aug 30, 2017

    Holy shit. I am building this character ASAP. I love seeing unique builds, especially ones that ACTUALLY WORK! You are right not optimal for vet trials but everything else it works great.

  • Jason
    Nov 8, 2017

    This is a really neat build, congrats. What spiders are you talking about synergizing? Also what mundus stone do you run it with?

    I’m trying to customize it to work in PVP… sacrificing some of the AOE to get single target. Kind of makes me drop a one or two of the bug spells in favor of archery but should still be cool.

  • chris
    Mar 15, 2018

    doesn’t proc off the bear friend


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