You can find me everywhere!
Health, Magicka, Stamina
2 points | rest points | 2 points |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: One Handed And Shield

One Hand And Shield Skill
Heroic Slash

Templar Skill
Puncturing Sweep

Templar Skill
Toppling Charge

Templar Skill

Fighters Guild Skill
Evil Hunter

Vampire Skill
Devouring Swarm
Bar 2
Weapon 2: Two Handed

Restoration Staff Skill
Healing Ward

Templar Skill
Ritual of Retribution

Mages Guild Skill
Structured Entropy

Templar Skill
Honor The Dead

Vampire Skill
Baleful Mist

Mages Guild Skill
Ice Comet
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
2 | 0 | 5 |
Gear and Item Set Info
5 Kagrenac's Hope (with thieves guild update there will come new set called vicious death. It might be better)
2 Cyrodiil Light
3 Blessing of Potentates
2 Engine Guardian
General Info
Regen drinks as on all my builds.
I am mainly playing only pvp and I want to show my tactic...
You use toppling charge on enemy stunning him. Than you use heroic slash to slow him down and generate some ultimate.Than you just spamm puncturing sweep. When you feel that you cant afford the situation go into elusive mist and find a better location to fight. Use repentance as much as you can to maintain your resources. Purifying ritual gives you healing over time area and can remove many negative effects especially damage from siege or oil. If you feel pretty low on health you just cast healing ward and when it expire you can use honor the dead to make your health back to 100%. I use evil hunter for some bonus dmg against vampires, but you can change it to blazing shield or channeled focus. Its fun to play with volcanic rune on your bar, but I havent got free slot for it... Structured entropy gives you 8% more health plus when you activate it you gain 20% more spell dmg and some healing over time.
Champion Point Tips
Quick recovery,Block expertise (red)
Magician,Arcanist,Mooncalf (green)
Thaumaturge,Blessed (blue)
one question why do you use two hander for your healing / support bar?
My fault. It should be restoration staff.