
HennyBoi’s Thicc Heals

Author: ThiccHennyBoi


Race: Altmer (High Elf)

Main Role: Healer

Health, Magicka, Stamina

17,600 38,000 9,700




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Restoration Staff

Breath of Life

Templar Skill

Breath of Life

Rushed Ceremony


Energy Orb

Undaunted Skill

Energy Orb

Necrotic Orb


Ritual of Retribution

Templar Skill

Ritual of Retribution

Cleansing Ritual


Combat Prayer

Restoration Staff Skill

Combat Prayer

Blessing of Protection


Healing Springs

Restoration Staff Skill

Healing Springs

Grand Healing


Aggressive Horn

Assault Skill

Aggressive Horn

War Horn


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Destruction Staff

Elemental Blockade

Destruction Staff Skill

Elemental Blockade

Wall of Elements


Channeled Focus

Templar Skill

Channeled Focus

Rune Focus


Elemental Drain

Destruction Staff Skill

Elemental Drain

Weakness to Elements


Luminous Shards

Templar Skill

Luminous Shards

Spear Shards


Radiant Ward

Templar Skill

Radiant Ward

Sun Shield


Solar Prison

Templar Skill

Solar Prison



Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
7 0 0


Gear and Item Set Info


Gear: I currently wear all gold divines  which my stats are based off of

Mending (Aetherian Archive)  5piece [3 gold jewlry, 2 body]

Spell Power Cure (white gold tower) [5 body]

Master's Restoration Staff [Powered/Defending/Infused/Precise]

Lighting Staff Backbar [Charged]  for the off balance given by Wall of Elements.


Alternative Gear:


Twightlight Remedy

Worm's Raiments (not as good anymore due to upcoming patch changes)







General Info


Healing Springs and Combat Prayer are the two most importmant skills in my opinion. DONT USE MUTAGEN or RAPID REGEN IN TRIALS!! Youre a scrub if you do XD

Just because people die doesnt mean its always your fault....they didnt stand in your springs or run around like a headless chicken 

Anyways.... im going to explain sort of my rotation in a sense. 

Ele Drain> combat prayer> healing springs> ritual> rune focus> ele wall> springs> orbs x3> springs> combat> shard> springs> springs> restart

***light attack between everything and heavy attack when neeed***



i always lay a combat prayer out for the group to get the buff a second before the fight starts so they get that extra bonus damage along with ele drain especially on bosses. Then i pop a springs just in case the boss hits first, then ritual to cleanse any debuffs. once my HoTs are down, i secure myself in a position behind or side of the group where everyone can recieve the heals from springs. then put a channeled rune where u stand for that extra resistance and magic recovery. pop a wall of elements to set off balance on the eneies. After you settle down into the fight, its should go springs, light attack, springs, light attack, combat prayer light attack, then rinse and repeat. Make sure to pop a few orbs for the group and throw a shard on the tank. 


Champion Point Tips


Champion Points


48 warlord, 18 sprinter, 64 tenacity, 100 arcanist


100 blessed, 100 elfborn, 11 spell erosion, 19 staff expert 


73 ironclad, 12 spell shield, 49 hardy, 40 thicc skinned, 56 elemental defender




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