
Assassin stamblade

Author: Assassin0011LB


Race: ImperialImperial

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

-27k -9k -39700




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Dual Wield

Mass Hysteria

Nightblade Skill

Mass Hysteria

Aspect of Terror


Resolving Vigor

Assault Skill

Resolving Vigor



Steel Tornado

Dual Wield Skill

Steel Tornado



Surprise Attack

Nightblade Skill

Surprise Attack

Veiled Strike



Nightblade Skill


Teleport Strike


Flawless Dawnbreaker

Fighters Guild Skill

Flawless Dawnbreaker



Bar 2

Weapon 2: Bow

Siphoning Attacks

Nightblade Skill

Siphoning Attacks

Siphoning Strikes


Relentless Focus

Nightblade Skill

Relentless Focus

Grim Focus


Evil Hunter

Fighters Guild Skill

Evil Hunter

Expert Hunter


Razor Caltrops

Assault Skill

Razor Caltrops



Lethal Arrow

Bow Skill

Lethal Arrow



Soul Harvest

Nightblade Skill

Soul Harvest

Death Stroke


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
1 5 1


Gear and Item Set Info


5 hundings rage:

Heavy chest infused stam enchant

Medium legs infused, stam enchant

Medium helmet infused, stam enchant

2 swords DW bar, precise trait (for vigor crit mainly) weapon damage enchant (light attack weave is a must!) Also good are unresistable damage and disease damage.

5 Clever Alchemist:

All 4 small pieces divines or impen for PvP

All stam enchant.

Precise bow absorb stamina enchant

3 Agility

All robust... all weapon damage... options for regen and reduce cost 


General Info


Centered around using potions for major buffs... medicinal use passive from alchemy is a must!

Be sure to swap to bow bar to hit potion! 

Combos are caltrops.. potion.. bar swap.. ambush..mass hysteria..ambush..suprise attack..light attack.. suprise attack.. steel tornado or poison inject for execute.

Usually players dont survive too far into this big combo.. if they are tanky enough use fear again after 6 seconds. Enough magic for 3 fear usually.

Keep vigor and relentless focus up. Pre-buff includes siphon attacks and evil hunter...reapply as needed. 

Further stam managment is to light attack spam bow with absorb stam enchant using siphon attacks...or spam heavy attack with DW.

5600 weapon damage fully buffed with alchemist proc'd

4400 damage buffed past alchemist.

Max health and stam regen food is best for PvP.. max health max stam for pve... switching CP to warlord heavy arrangement

Tips for fighting different classes... 

Sorcs with shields... be careful about over use of stam for opening burst.. caltrops or arrow barrage help to chip away shields.. fear them until they are out of stam and then potion burst

Templars and DK.. usually same fear tactic as above but use soul harvest often to maximize damage and fear to minimize theirs..

Other NB... caltrops prevent stealth and burst fast when they come out of cloak. Keep up vigor and utilize the alchemist proc.


Champion Point Tips


Warrior stone 

100 mighty

100 mooncalf

60/40 split elemental defense and hardy respectively 

Use the rest to tweak to your play style.. I would however recommend resistant for PvP




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One Comment

  • Kartala
    Feb 10, 2018

    Your HEALTH, MAGICKA, STAMINA stats are confusing, how many points go in what?


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