

Author: Radical_Zebrah


Race: Altmer (High Elf)

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

25k 37k 10k




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Destruction Staff

Wall of Elements

Destruction Staff Skill

Wall of Elements


Growing Swarm

Warden Skill

Growing Swarm



Destructive Clench

Destruction Staff Skill

Destructive Clench

Destructive Touch


Deep Fissure

Warden Skill

Deep Fissure



Cutting Dive

Warden Skill

Cutting Dive




Warden Skill


Sleet Storm


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Restoration Staff

Living Trellis

Warden Skill

Living Trellis

Living Vines


Healing Ward

Restoration Staff Skill

Healing Ward

Steadfast Ward


Bird of Prey

Warden Skill

Bird of Prey

Falcons Swiftness


Betty Netch

Warden Skill

Betty Netch


Arctic Blast

Warden Skill

Arctic Blast

Impaling Shards



Restoration Staff Skill



Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
5 1 1


Gear and Item Set Info


5x winterborn 3x willpower 2x skoria 1x masters Ice staff (training if your leet asf, if your bad: nirn, sharp, charged, or infused with sp dmg enchant) 1x maelstrom restro to look kewl (training if your leet asf, if your bad defending, powered, or precise)  - I run divines because im a female dog, if i was really cool id run training, if your trash run impen.


General Info


battleground / is what the build is specifially designed for, lots of aoe aids cleave with out even having to be in LOS, just hit everyone whos in a ball with growning swarm, winters revenge, elemental blockade,  deep fizzure, spam destrucive clinch like the little female dog you are if you run my build and pop perma frost wile you clam slam the 10000 people you just wiped with proc set AIDS. Go forth my children and spread my plauge. #MakeEsoAidsAgain


Champion Point Tips


Dont be sheep use your brain. Lots of DOT and procs. 75 in mighty 75 in the physical pen, 75 in stam crit dmg n heals, everything else in direct dmg and melee heavy atks




Build Rating

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