Kunark – MagDen PvE Healer (Wolfhunter)
Race: Argonian
Main Role: Healer
Health, Magicka, Stamina
10 | 54 | 0 |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: Restoration Staff

Restoration Staff Skill

Restoration Staff Skill
Healing Springs

Restoration Staff Skill
Combat Prayer

Restoration Staff Skill
Healing Ward

Warden Skill
Blue Betty

Warden Skill
Northern Storm
Bar 2
Weapon 2: Destruction Staff

Undaunted Skill
Energy Orb

Warden Skill
Budding Seeds

Destruction Staff Skill
Elemental Blockade

Destruction Staff Skill
Elemental Drain

Warden Skill
Lotus Blossom

Assault Skill
Aggressive Horn
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
5 | 1 | 1 |
Gear and Item Set Info
5 Pieces Vestment of Olorime (Trial set - Normal Cloudrest)
5 Pieces Robes of Alteration Mastery (AP set - Cropsford / Guild Traders)
1 Piece Chokethorn (Monster set - Elden Hollow I vet. & Maj al-Ragath's chest)
1 Piece Shadowrend (Monster set - Banished Cells I vet. & Maj al-Ragath's chest)
Gear | Weight | Trait | Enchantment |
Chest | 5 x Light | Infused | Tri-Stat |
Belt | Divine | Magicka | |
Shoes | Divine | Magicka | |
Pants | Infused | Tri-stat | |
Hands | Divine | Magicka | |
Head | 1 x Heavy 1 x Medium | Infused | Tri-stat |
Shoulder | Divine | Magicka | |
Necklace | Jewelry | Arcane | Spell Damage |
Ring | Jewelry | Arcane | Magicka Recovery |
Ring | Jewelry | Arcane | Magicka Recovery |
Weapon 1 | Resto Staff | Powered | Spell Damage (Okori) |
Weapon 2 | Shock Staff | Charged | Shock Damage |
Don't be afraid to join a random group for normal Cloudrest trial. It is really easy, and you have 3 chances per run to get a body piece of Olorime (more if others are willing to trade)
If you really don't want to step a foot in a trial, you can use Spell Power Cure set instead. However, it's a less reliable source of Major Courage, and it provides less recovery. Don't be shy and get into this nCR trial !
It doesn't matter if your heavy piece is the helmet or the shoulder piece. They both have the exact same armor value. Only the enchant is stronger on the head.
Concerning what gear to use into which slot, it really depends on what you can loot first. However, jewelry and staves will be much easier to get in Alteration Mastery set, because you can buy them from guild traders.
If you're doing easy content, you can use 2 pieces of Chokethorn, for the fun.
General Info
This is not your typical high-end trials healer build designed to work in pair with a templar. This build is intended as a super-easy to play healer for normal trials, and PUG dungeons. It is VERY forgiving in ressource management, and is ideal to learn the healer role.
13 August 2018 update :
Wolfhunter update. Championpoints adjustement.
20 July 2018 update :
Dummy Parse
N/A, this is a healer build.
Frontbar :
- Mutagen : While it provides a nice heal over time, it's main utility is to serve as a life-saver in case of unexpected massive damage. Try to keep it up all the time.
- Healing Springs : Your main spammable heal, with its cost reduction effect and your recovery, you can keep it up 100% of the time without any trouble.
- Combat Prayer : Your main instant heal, and is one of the rare way to provide the group with Minor Berserk.
- Healing Ward : Your "oh-shit" button, when someone in the group is going low health, this will save his life.
- Blue Betty : Your source of Major Sorcery, and a strong boost to your magicka sustain. Keep it up all the time.
- Northern Storm : You will never use this ultimate, it is slotted for its passive bonus to your magicka pool.
Backbar :
- Energy Orb : Will provide ressources to your group via its synergy. Throw a bunch of them every 30 sec.
- Budding Seeds : A delayed heal. You can time its effect when you see some heavy damage incoming, it will help get your group back to full health fast.
- Elemental Blockade : We use this skill to set the ennemy off-balance.
- Elemental Drain : A big help to sustain for your magicka based groupmates. Also provide Major Breach to targets your tank can't reach or not requiring taunt.
- Lotus Blossom : Your source of Major Prophecy, also heal someone when you're use heavy attacks to sustain or damage.
- Aggressive Horn : Your main ultimate. Use it on cooldown or time it with your groupmates to boost their own ultimate damage.
Depending on the situation, it can be handy to have Efficient Purge and/or Harness Magicka as well. It's up to you to see which skill to replace, according to what danger you're going to face.
Argonian > Altmer > Breton > Any other races
I'm playing as an Argonian, because of the easy ressource management they provide.
Purple Max Health+Max Magicka+Magicka Recovery (Witchmother's Potent Brew)
Mundus Stone
The Atronach (Magicka Recovery)
Magicka Potions (Blue Betty and Lotus Blossom provide us with Major Sorcery and Major Prophecy)
Animal Companions (Bond With Nature, Flourish)
Winter’s Embrace (Frozen Armor, Icy Aura)
Green Balance (All)
Light Armor (All)
Medium Armor (Athletics)
Heavy Armor (Constitution, Juggernaut)
Restoration Staff (All)
Destruction Staff (All)
Fighters Guild (Banish the Wicked)
Undaunted (All)
Racial (All)
Alchemy (Medicinal Use)
There's no rotation for a healer, but here's a summary of what others are expecting from you, from highest to lowest priority (appropriate skills in brackets) :
- Healing. Sounds stupid, but it's important to keep in mind you're not a DPS, you're a healer. Never focus on dealing damage, keeping others alive is your duty, damaging is the cherry on the cake. (Mutagen, Healing Springs, Combat Prayer, Healing Ward, Budding Seeds)
- Buffing / Debuffing. You have lots of skills dedicated to this role, and it can really turn the tide of a battle. (Combat Prayer, Elemental Blockade, Elemental Drain, Aggresive Horn)
- Providing bubbles. Energy Orbs are a great help for your teamates to manage sustain. They provide a lot of ressources. Make sure to send a bunch of bubbles regularly during the fight. (Energy Orb)
- Damaging. Only if nothing else is required, you can focus on damaging ennemies, like during trash fights. (Elemental Blockade)
You should never have any sustain issue, you have so much magicka recovery that you can basically spam any skill without trouble. Should you ever need ressources, just pop a potion, or heavy attack (with resto staff).
Evolutions, Improvements
As you progress through the game and get more gold and better performance, you can consider farming The Worm's Raiment (Dungeon set - Vault of Madness). It will provide more support to your group, at no significant loss for you (a tiny bit less of magicka recovery, 6% more cost to your ultimate, 2% more cost to other skills). You'll still have enough recovery to spam your skills.
As you get more confortable with ressource management, you can progressively swap the recovery glyphs on the jewelry for spell damage glyphs, improving the effectiveness of your healing skills. Do it one at a time until you find your sweet spot between recovery and effectiveness.
Champion Point Tips
The Apprentice
37 Elemental Expert
75 Elfborn
21 Spell Erosion
100 Blessed
The Atronach
18 Master-At-Arms
9 Staff Expert
The Lover
75 Tenacity
75 Arcanist
The Tower
44 Warlord
The Shadow
46 Shadow Ward
20 Tumbling
The Lady
49 Hardy
49 Elemental Defender
48 Thick Skinned
The Steed
81 Ironclad
33 Spell Shield
The Apprentice
40 Elfborn
1 Spell Erosion
61 Blessed
The Lover
49 Tenacity
49 Arcanist
The Tower
2 Warlord
The Lady
23 Hardy
23 Elemental Defender
23 Thick Skinned
The Steed
31 Ironclad