
Mother’s Mercy

Author: Starfire

Mother’s Mercy


Race: Altmer (High Elf)

Main Role: Healer

Health, Magicka, Stamina

16617 (Without Food) 32229 (With Bi-stat) 26720 (Without Food) 22336 (With Bi-stat) 9599




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Restoration Staff

Ritual of Rebirth

Templar Skill

Ritual of Rebirth

Healing Ritual


Breath of Life

Templar Skill

Breath of Life

Rushed Ceremony


Luminous Shards

Templar Skill

Luminous Shards

Spear Shards


Radiant Ward

Templar Skill

Radiant Ward

Sun Shield



Templar Skill


Restoring Aura


Practiced Incantation

Templar Skill

Practiced Incantation

Rite of Passage


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Restoration Staff

Healing Springs

Restoration Staff Skill

Healing Springs

Grand Healing



Restoration Staff Skill




Dark Flare

Templar Skill

Dark Flare

Solar Flare


Channeled Focus

Templar Skill

Channeled Focus

Rune Focus


Ritual of Retribution

Templar Skill

Ritual of Retribution

Cleansing Ritual


Lights Champion

Restoration Staff Skill

Lights Champion



Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
5 0 2


Gear and Item Set Info


Lich - 5 pcs
Seducer- 5 pcs
Valkyn Skoria Shoulder (Can be replaced with other things, such as Troll King or something with max magicka.)

Trials sets will obviously be better, but this works until then.

My Attributes are: 



General Info


This build is designed to purely heal with loads of survivability. I personally have Dark Flare on my back/HOT bar if the dungeon is easy enough and I don't need to focus 100% on heals. I will replace one or two others with other DPS abilities back there if need be because I can heal effectively with just the front bar. If I find I need more heals or wards, I will replace it with Healing Ward or Blessing of Protection.

With my Channeled Focus down, my resistances are spelll: 22018 Phyiscal: 17110. Without it, they are 16738 for spell and 11830 for physical. My champion points are only at 516 right now, so I imagine those will go up as I get closer to the current cap of 600. 

I personally sacrificed a larger magicka pool for more health with my enchantments and shoulder because it helps me take bigger hits and stay alive. Plus, with an unbuffed 2188 magic recovery and the Lich set, I find the only time I ever need any sort of heavy attack to regain magicka is when I am fighting a boss that saps that resource. I suppose some of the health glyphs could be exchanged for magicka glyphs should you decide you want/need more magicka. 

I rarely use potions and spam Ritual of Rebirth like it's going out of style. I try to be more preventative in my healing style than reactive, preferring to overheal than underheal if the game derps and lags or my bar refuses to swap etc. The point of this build is to focus healing with a splash of damage thrown in if you need to. When I do use potions, I prefer Health+Mag+Spell Crit. For this build, I tend to use bi-stat food. The solitude millet soup-looking one is my preference. 

I personally try to ensure my group has as much stamina as they need by using repentence any time I see three+ bodies on the ground and by cycling shards into my routine. 

A final note, all of my gear, save two peices is purple. The other two are gold. I find I heal with no problems, even on a fight that requires a more constant use of the ranged Breath of Life and Healing Springs than my preferred Ritual of Rebirth. I rarely go down below half magicka, and if I do, it doesn't last long with Lich and my recovery. I'm not saying to keep the gear purple instead of gold, I'm just saying I haven't done it yet and I heal just fine. 


Champion Point Tips


Blue- I personally have Blessed maxed. I have a good amount in Elfborn and some in Elemental Expert. I also have a few in Thaumaturge for my Ritual of Retribution's ticks. 

Green- 70 in Arcanist and 5 in healthy (Gotta have that master gatherer!). I'm currently dumping the rest into Magician. Once that's maxed, I'll put more into healthy and arcanist. 

Red- I am all over the place here. I have about 60 in bastion some in quick recovery, 20ish in Ironclad, just a couple in resistant and about 20 in spell shield. The rest I dump into Hardy, thick skinned, and elemental defender.  




Build Rating

Rating: 4.2/5. From 13 votes.
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  • William
    Mar 2, 2017

    Tons of sustain and a lot of support for us stam builds! I like it

  • J
    Mar 2, 2017

    Good stuff right here. Good for pre-trials builds

  • Michaela
    Mar 28, 2017

    Would a Argonian work for this build? Or does the race not much matter…

    • Starfire
      Mar 29, 2017

      Absolutely! Probably a bit better to be honest.

      • Gem
        Apr 5, 2017

        I may have to actually disagree with that.

        Seeing as I’ve had this build in one experimental character and taken seriously in a second.
        The high Elf seems to be the best fit for this, and the reason is the mana pool and recovery expansions they get as class skills.
        The whole thing that’s been brought up through the build is that it’s a healer with survivability built into it.

        And it works, it works a little too well as I’ve soloed some World Bosses before and I’m doing fairly okay in PvP too.
        While I’m not going to argue that it’s not viable with other races, High Elves let you sacrifice that small amount of mana a pure healer that gets one shot has, for the survivability of this build.

        In addition it seems to only get better the more dlc you have. It adds even more skillpoints so you get more flexibility with what you can or want to do with it.

        • Starfire
          Apr 15, 2017

          Thanks for that! I’ve never tested the Argonian set up. I’m really happy you have though!

  • Timeraider
    Apr 15, 2017

    Which itempiece belongs to which set? As in.. do you have lich on front or back bar?

    • Timeraider
      Apr 15, 2017

      ow hmm i see you actually have only 1 monster set piece. Guess the question is then .. which is your always active set?

      • Timeraider the idiot
        Apr 15, 2017

        Ok.. i see my mistake. Cant count for shit. Ignore all these questions -_-

      • Starfire
        Apr 15, 2017

        With the 5 5 1 set up available from one Tamriel, both sets are always active 🙂 I can break it down further if you need.

      • Starfire
        Apr 15, 2017

        There’s something wonky with my numbers. Its showing

        Health 16617 (Without Food) 32229 (With Bi-stat) magicka 26720 (Without Food) 22336 (With Bi-stat) stam9599

        And that’s not right. I put in 21k health with food, 32k magic with food. I’ll fix it properly when I have access to a pc.

  • Chrisanthym
    Jun 4, 2017

    Can you be a little more specific on the champion points? And what did you pick for your boon?

    • Starfire
      Jun 4, 2017

      Any particular tree? I have spell damage right now for my boon. I never bothered to change it when leveling and it works really well. It probably isn’t the best but I haven’t seen fit to change it.


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