Snoop Dawg
Health, Magicka, Stamina
- | - | -64 |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: Two Handed

Nightblade Skill
Mass Hysteria

Two Handed Skill
Critical Rush

Nightblade Skill
Killer's Blade

Nightblade Skill
Surprise Attack

Two Handed Skill

Fighters Guild Skill
Dawnbreaker of Smiting
Bar 2
Weapon 2: Bow

Nightblade Skill
Siphoning Attacks

Medium Armor Skill

Bow Skill
Poison Injection

Nightblade Skill
Shadowy Disguise

Assault Skill
Resolving Vigor

Mages Guild Skill
Ice Comet
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
1 | 5 | 1 |
Gear and Item Set Info
Let's start things of with the Mundas stone for the Mundas stone i like using the thief the reason why I choose the thief over the serpent, shadow and warrior this is because the only thing we are lacking a lot of in this build is crit the rest is nice damage and stam recov. Lets now see what armour sets I like to use for this build so I personally like using 5 piece hundings rage the reason behind this is because it gives us more weapon crit which is the thing we lack of (just to put this out there this build focuses on getting high damage) it also gives us more weapon damage which help quite a lot, now for my head and shoulders I like running 2 piece kena if you aren't familier on how to use the 2 piece kena set I would recommend trying 1 piece kena and 1 piece blood spawn I would try this for a week then start practicing with kena, next I like using 3 piece agility keep in mind this is fairly expensive so it will be hard to obtain the reason why I like 3 piece agility is because it boosts my weapon damage and gives me extra stamina so it is a no brainier if you can't afford agility then go with endurance, finally for my weapons I like to use the vma great sword the reasoning for this is because it increases my damage passively while on the other hand it increase my damage with crit Rush, for my bow I like the vma bow more then the masters bow bow because I can keep my damage passive and not have to worry about it to much and the vma bow is cp 160 while the masters bow is sitting at a cp 140 which will make our bow attacks do less so this is why I choose maelstrom bow over masters bow. I would recommend having your weapons in sharpens if you could get your hand on them I would recommend for armour traits to go for 7 impel so you won't take as much crit damage which will make a difference in Pvp.
General Info
So your thinking how do I sustain? Well the way to do this I putting 100 in mooncalf which will give us 25 percent more stamina recovery add that with the wood elf passive which is 21 percent you have an extra 46 percent which is nice then add your siphoning attacks and you will be set with sustain.
So I'm going to say why I use which skill one at a time
lets starts with mass hysteria this is a great move for offensive times and defensive times by this I mean you can use it in any situation you get a guy to 30 percent he's dodge rolling a lot you can mass hysteria him and kill him say your one shot you could mass hysteria and shadow disguise and heal your self it is a must.
I like to use critical rush the reason why I use this instead of ambush is because I'm using maelstrom weapons which increases my critical rush damage.
i personally think you should use killers blade instead of executioner the reason is that executioner does more damage the lower your health is so killers blade does as much damage as exacutioner at one percent so in the end I would go with killers blade.
now our main spam ability is surprise attack the reason why I use suprise attack over wrecking blow is because you don't have to charge it up sure it does less damage but it's nice and swift I also like to weave with suprise attack for those who don't know what weaving is it is when you do light attack suprise attack light attack suprise attack.
finally on our main bar I like to use rally the reason why I use this is because it gives me a massive burst heal when I'm in danger and it gives me major brutality once activated for those who don't know what that is its a must have it gives you an extra 20 percent damage which is a must.
now on our second bar I like to use siphoning attacks it's a must have it keeps me well sustained.
next I use shuffle the reason why I don't use mirage is because shuffle is broken it gives me more then 20 percent which in my opinion should of gotten fixed by now seeming how broken it is.
so let's move on to a must have skill which is poison injection this thing is beastly when they go beneath 50 percent health it does and extra 200 percent more damage which pretty much gives me around 5k per tick to the enemy this in my opinion should be nerfed.
next I like to use shadowy disguise I think any build should use this it lets me put my enemy off balance and it allows me to get away from dodgy situations and let's me heal in shadowy disguise it's basically a must have it will save your life trust me.
and the last skill is resolving vigor it's another heal which helps us survive damage its not a spam one by the way if I remember correctly I think it last for 6 seconds and gives you ticks of health
lets move on to our ultimates
i like to use dawn breaker of smiting on my first bar the reason is it gives me 3 percent more damage but not only that the main bit is that it can stun so if there were 10 people informs of you, you could stun all 10 of them which is overpowered if you think about it but that's not the only thing it does an insane amount of damage on impact which leaves them with a burning dot which does do a lot as well.
finally I like to use ice comet the reason is because it gives me so much damage its insane and it knocks them over its basically a more powerful version of dawn breaker of smiting but costs more and dose the give me a 3 percent extra damage that is why it's sitting on my back bar.
Champion Point Tips
For champion points it's very simple
just go for 60 in elemental defended 60 in hardy and 47 in resistant.
go for 100 in mooncalf and 67 in warlord
finally 100 in mighty and 67 in piercing strikes
If you have questions ask them and I will reply