Solo Hybrid Templar (Summerset ready)
Race: Breton
Main Role: Damage
Health, Magicka, Stamina
21k | 21k | 21k |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: Two Handed

Two Handed Skill

Two Handed Skill

Templar Skill

Two Handed Skill
Wrecking Blow

Two Handed Skill
Reverse Slice

Fighters Guild Skill
Flawless Dawnbreaker
Bar 2
Weapon 2: Destruction Staff

Mages Guild Skill

Templar Skill
Radiant Ward

Destruction Staff Skill
Elemental Blockade

Destruction Staff Skill
Destructive Clench

Templar Skill
Reflective Light

Mages Guild Skill
Ice Comet
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
0 | 5 | 2 |
Gear and Item Set Info
You can run any race, any class of your choice. I used a char I already had. Argonian would probably be best. Class really depends on what kinds of skills you like.
Set 1: Pelinal's Apptitude which matches your Spell and Weapon damage so keep this in mind for your other gear choices. Pump up your weapon damage to as high as possible.
Set 2: Shackle Breaker, Black Rose (TelVar set) or set of your choice depending on your desired stats
Your choice as to how you want to combo sets. It's easier to craft the weapons so you can make Nirhoned.
- 3 pieces of a set on body plus weapons
- 3 pieces of jewelry plus 2 on body
- Monster set of your choice or mix and match; 1 piece Domi and 1 Damage piece
- Just make sure when you are chosing weights that you have around 20k hp which will help your survivability.
Backbar can either be flame or shock staff, Nirnhoned. Glyph is completely up to you but Berzerker or Shock would be best.
Frontbar 2H should either be a greatsword for extra single target damage or axe for bleed chance.
Jewelry: Since you can run 2 crafted sets I'd run Infused or Triune all weapon damage glyphs.
Food: Jewels of Misrule which will make your sustain AMAZING or Bi-stat(stam/mag) but not recommended.
General Info
Since you can pick any class you want a "rotation" will vary. Keep in mind that this is not a typical DPS build and not designed to hit big numbers. This is meant for sustain, suvivability, a little bit of tankyness and decent damage. You can solo most WBs with this build, it just takes a little longer than a straight DPS build. This would also be able to solo a good chunk of normal dungeons.
Here is how I approach fights:
- Buff up - Rally, swap to staff, Degeneration
- Reflective light to put a dot on targets early
- Blockade of fire or storm
- Radiant Ward as they get inside melee range
- Bar swap
- Carve for the bleed and damage shield
- Wrecking Blow as needed for bigger targets with heavy and light attack weaving
- Re-apply buffs and backbar as they fall off
- Reverse Slice(use this morph for the splash damage)
Regardless of your class just make sure you use some sort of damage mitigation, hence the reason I'm running Radiant Ward and using Carve.
I'm not running any heal other than Rally and Degeneration which works just fine. I ran this build in Skyreach and it performed just fine. The "treasure chest" fight took a little longer but that was it.
Champion Point Tips
These are up to you but keep in mind this is a hybrid build so you'll spread points a little differently.
Here are the nodes I put points into:
Green tree: Warlord, Mooncalf, Archanist, Tumbling, Tenacity
Blue tree: Thaumaturge, Mighty, Precise, Elemental, Master at Arms
Red tree: Expert Defender, Thick Skinned, Elemental Defender, Hardy, Iron Clad
Can’t get any more general than this.
Wouldn’t hurt to actually write something useful.