
Stambow Sorc- Storm Master

Author: MindOfTheSwarm


Race: Imperial

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

20000 approx 15000 approx 30000+




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Bow

Camouflaged Hunter

Fighters Guild Skill

Camouflaged Hunter

Expert Hunter


Dark Exchange

Sorcerer Skill

Dark Exchange


Rearming Trap

Fighters Guild Skill

Rearming Trap

Trap Beast


Draining Shot

Bow Skill

Draining Shot

Scatter Shot


Focused Aim

Bow Skill

Focused Aim




Bow Skill


Rapid Fire


Bar 2

Weapon 2: One Handed And Shield

Critical Surge

Sorcerer Skill

Critical Surge



Bound Armaments

Sorcerer Skill

Bound Armaments

Bound Armor



Medium Armor Skill





Sorcerer Skill


Lightning Form


Ball of Lightning

Sorcerer Skill

Ball of Lightning

Bolt Escape


Absorption Field

Sorcerer Skill

Absorption Field

Negate Magic


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
1 5 1


Gear and Item Set Info


5 Pieces Storm Master Set

1 Piece Molag Kena or Velidreth

5 Pieces any other prefered set


General Info


The idea is to make the most of the Storm Master set which has been changed from the previous Shock Master set. Its mainly just for a bit of fun, but I have found it surprisingly effective. 

Important to note is that the sorc passive which can instantly kill from physical or shock damage can happen from both standard light attacks and the 5 piece effect. Since both hit at the same time you have double the chance for the effect to occur. This effectively gives you a 12% chance instead of 6%.

This has been tested and I noticed the effect occuring more than normal. I haven't tested with 2 handed, although I think it may be more effective given that 2 handers can hit multiple enemies with a single light attack due to the passive.


I recommend either going charged or infused for your bow and equip a gold shock damage glyph. This will help add even more shock damage to your light attack spamming. I personally went with charged.


Feel free to tinker around and improve it. The idea is to make the most of the Storm Master set.

With regards to a second set its a tough call. I tried Elegance and it did improve the light attack damage, but it's not really a set for stamina based builds, Spriggan's Thorns was quite good and you could switch Velidreth/Kena for Kragh to maximise your penetration. It's up to you really.

Your first bar is obviously the damage bar, crouch and stealth up, Focused Aim, Heavy Attack and light attack spam. With all the buffs from the other bar you should notice a surprising amount of damage.

The other bar is the buff and escape bar. Ball of Lightning is better than Streak for this build as it will stop ranged attackers from hitting you while escaping.


Champion Point Tips


I put points into the usual stamina based slots but I also invested some into elemental expert as it increases the damage from the 5 piece bonus. 

You will also need heavy investment into Bow Expert to increase the light and heavy attack damage.




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  • Komplete The Game
    Nov 11, 2016

    Hey! I haven’t bought the game (Mostly because I have some build knowledge with ES: III, IV, V, SE) yet and was wondering what the max level is and if it is 50, How can you get 20k HP and 30k Stamina? lol I just want to know some things about everything before running in blind! Thanks!

  • valhaluke
    Nov 13, 2016

    Should swap bound armaments and dark exchange and keep in mind armaments only stays on if it’s present on the active bar so when you swap back you have to cast it again that’s why people usually run it on both bars.


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