DPS Stam Blade PVP and PVE (casual)
Race: Redguard
Main Role: Damage
Health, Magicka, Stamina
11653 | 9373 | 26675 |
Bar 1
Weapon 1: Dual Wield
Nightblade Skill
Assassin's Blade
Nightblade Skill
Nightblade Skill
Surprise Attack
Fighters Guild Skill
Camouflaged Hunter
Medium Armor Skill
Nightblade Skill
Incapacitating Strike
Bar 2
Weapon 2: Bow
Bow Skill
Poison Injection
Assault Skill
Resolving Vigor
Bow Skill
Endless Hail
Nightblade Skill
Relentless Focus
Nightblade Skill
Piercing Mark
Nightblade Skill
Soul Tether
Armor Types
Light Armor | Medium Armor | Heavy Armor |
0 | 7 | 0 |
Gear and Item Set Info
All Medium Armor. Max Stam enchants on all armor. Jewlery has Robust and Stam Recovery. A mix of blues and purples.
Daggers for dual weild for increased crit rating, both with sharpened trait. Bow has defending trait to mitagate some incoming damage while using Vigor. I use shock damage on all weapons because no race has resistances to it, but if that's wrong or I should use a better enchant type, please tell me.
Since I'm more casual and I don't have a whole lot of traits researched yet since I just started too do them (big mistake ik), I don't have the desired item set(s) yet, but right now all I have is 5 pieces of Coward's Gear because I think I picked it all up from doing PVP. Feedback for which Item Sets to use in order compliment the rest of my build would be great!
General Info
This build is primarily melee DPS. Bow bar is used for most Buffs and Debuffs, Healing, and DoT abilities. Dual Weild bar is used for direct damage attacks, and I keep Shuffle on this bar for those split intance situations where I need to use the immunity from Snares and Immobilzations ASAP. I don't have all of the Skill Points that are available in the world yet, so I'm missing a few Passives.
This build relies on a decent Weapon Crit and Crit Damage, so I run Theif for Mundus Stone, but if playing Kajiit you should use Shadow. I use Redguard for the Stamina bonuses. Wood elf is fine to run too. Right now my Weapon Crit chance is at 65% on Dual Weild, and just under 50% on Bow.
For my Passive Skills I will list all the ones that are more essential to the build, so I'll leave out some of the Guild Passives that aren't as important. I have all the ones from Assassination and Shadow and Soul Siphoner and Catalyst from Siphoning. Dual Wield I have Dual Wield Expert, Ruffian, and Twin Blade and Blunt. Bow I have all Passives. Medium armor has all Passives. Soul Magic has all Passives. Legerdemain I plan on getting all Passives. Fighters Guild has Slayer and Banish the Wicked. Undaunted I plan on getting all Passives. Assault I plan on getting all Passives. Support I plan on getting all Passives expect Magicka Aid. Race skills has all Passives. Black Smithing, Clothing, and Woodworking I am planning to get all Passives.
My Buffs that I use are Relentless Focus and Shuffle and then I debuff the enemy with Piercing/Reaper's Mark (Piercing mark to counter Nightblades in PVP, as well as Camo Hunter). I might pop Vigor a split second before I go in for rougly 5 seconds of healing depending on the situation. I have Camouflaged Hunter to increase Crit Damage after a sneak attack, and to increase my overall Crit Chance on my Dual Wield bar.
For a fully effective attack on an enemy I use these abilities in this order. Start on Bow, Buff and Debuff self and target, then put down Endless Hail and Poison Injection for DoT. Ambush for gap closer, then rapidy alternate between Surpsire Attack and light attacks in order to max out DPS and benifit from Ambush's Empower. Spam those two last attacks until target is below 25% health and then spam Assassin's Blade until target is dead. Rebuff/heal/Reapply DoT as needed.
I use Vigor as my primary heal, and I use a combo of Assassin's Blade and Piercing/Reaper's mark for for a alternate heal which is really effective so long as I continue to kill enemies at a consistent rate (more of a PVE strat than PVP).
You can do a lot of DPS using buffs/debuffs and then surpise attack coming out of a sneak as an alternative option to your opening attack, but it's hard to pull off in PVP since this build has no room for Shadow Cloak, which could only be used 2-3 times anyway. However, if Shadow Cloak is still more optimal to run when compared to a different ability that is already equipped,please let me know.
For crafting, I have nearly all Passives for Clothing, Woodworking, and Blacksmithing. I've just started researching traits, which I know now was really dumb, so I don't have a whole lot of access to craftable sets atm. I rely on other souces for Provisioning, Enchanting, and Alchemy. I don't have Summerset at the moment so I can't use Jewlery crafting.
I like to use Alliance Health and Alliance Battle for Potions, and Cyrodilic Field Tack as Food. This is mainly because they are easy to aquire from Cyrodil, and I don't have Alchemy or Provisioning leveled, but if I should be using different Food/Drink and Potions, let me know.
This build is still pretty squishy even with Buffs, Heals, and Food, so don't I don't plan on 1vXing with it. If there is a good way to increase sustain without sacrificing too much damage, let me know.
Champion Point Tips
I'm Champion 200 as of posting, so I don't know exactly what will max out the build's effectiveness yet, but I'll post my CP anyway.
Lady: 34 Hardy 33, Elemental Defender. Lover: 67 Mooncalf. Ritual: Piercing 34, Piercing Strikes 33
Advice on where to alocate CP would be appreciated.
The author here! I forgot to mention my weapon damage is suffering (probably from poor gear), but it’s at 1542 DW and 1214 for the Bow without any buffs. All weapons are blue, but I plan on improving them/crafting new ones. Any other relevant advice on increasing weapon damage would be great. I also forgot to add that I use Incapacitating Strikes on the DW bar for the stun, damage increase, and Major Defile to burst down more difficult/higher health enemies. I also use Soul Tether on the Bow bar as emergency healing and CC, and I always try to hit as many enemies as possible with it for max effect.
I like this build, it’s really similar to what I’m running as a Khajiit StamBlade right now. I’ve been playing with the new psijic order DPS skill to really pump up the effectiveness of light attack spams, it works but is a bit slower of a rotation so I’ve got issues keeping buffs/debuffs up with it.
What sets are you wearing? I’m at CP630ish and am at ~17.5k health and ~29k stam giving me ~14k DPS on main target and ~6k AOE on the groups. I’m running a weird combination of agility jewelry, chaotic whirlwind DW, Velidreth 2 piece, and Hundings for the other 5 (and a non set bow until I can make my way through Maelstrom). I’m getting a few sustain issues right now, but the self heals has worked really well (since I run mostly solo content). Pumping some points into health recovery might be something to look at soon.