
PVP Sorcerer – Death From Afar


Race: Altmer (High Elf)Altmer (High Elf)

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

- - -




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Restoration Staff

Crystal Fragments

Sorcerer Skill

Crystal Fragments

Crystal Shard



Restoration Staff Skill




Endless Fury

Sorcerer Skill

Endless Fury

Mages Fury


Velocious Curse

Sorcerer Skill

Haunting Curse

Daedric Curse


Healing Ward

Restoration Staff Skill

Healing Ward

Steadfast Ward


Greater Storm Atronach

Sorcerer Skill

Greater Storm Atronach

Summon Storm Atronach


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Destruction Staff

Crystal Fragments

Sorcerer Skill

Crystal Fragments

Crystal Shard


Destructive Reach

Destruction Staff Skill

Destructive Reach

Destructive Touch


Endless Fury

Sorcerer Skill

Endless Fury

Mages Fury


Crushing Shock

Destruction Staff Skill

Crushing Shock

Force Shock


Lightning Flood

Sorcerer Skill

Lightning Flood

Lightning Splash


Negate Magic

Sorcerer Skill

Negate Magic


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
7 0 0


Gear and Item Set Info


This build uses magicka a lot, in fact for almost everything, so anything which increases sustainability is great! Seducer and Warlock is the typical non-Vet set up – and that’s becuase it works. Also – the 8% spell cost reduction and Magicka Flood from the Warlock Set work when you are Battle Levelled in Cyrodiil as a non-Vet so they are really handy!

I mostly use either all Light Armor, but sometimes I add in a couple of Heavy just to boost survivability. This build focuses on distance, crowd control and healing for defense.

For enchants normally Max Health or Max Magicka, or a combination, works well. For jewelry I tend to go with Spell Damage or spell cost reduction.


General Info


Bar 1 is the most used bar for this build and deals damage, heals allies and slays enemies from afar. I always open with Velocious Curse and try to keep it active on a target at all times. At first I had my doubts about this skill, taking 3 seconds to deal damage, but now it is an integral part of this build. The curse is basically a ticking bomb – sometimes I cast it on a player just entering stealth and then wait to hear the inevitable expolision which takes them right back into sight.

Crystal Fragments is a great damage dealer and I normally only use this when I get an instant cast and half the magicka cost. In some fights this happens a lot – and it is a great boost! I also try to keep Mutagen up all the time to give me some healing and also to proc the instant Crystal Fragments.

Healing Ward is there for emergency situations or siege damage. Endless Fury is awesome, especially when used well with Velociuos Curse and Crystal Fragments. I love it when I curse an enemy, hit them with Fragments and Endless Fury and then the Curse triggers and boom they are below 20% Health so boom again as Endless Fury deals its explosion damage. Oh and of course Greater Storm Atronach can be useful too, dealing area damage and stunning nearby enemies.

These damage abilities all have above a 28 meter range as well, so they can be cast from a keep, resource, bridge or the safety of your allies.

The second bar is mainly for even more bulk damage but has less healing options. Destructive Reach is good for crowd control and keeping those annoying guards away for a bit. Of course I like Crystal Fragments and Endless Fury too much and they are also on my second bar. Crushing Shock is for good damage and Lightning Flood is good for area damage on keep flags or resources. These can be swapped for other abilities depending on the situation. Negate Magic is on this bar mainly for attacking flags and resources to control the guards.





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  • Enzo
    Jun 15, 2015

    Points stat?

  • David
    Oct 10, 2015

    Is this build still viable with Imperial City?


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