
Magicka Warden PvP Build (Pigeon Cannon)

Author: hatoreehanzo

Magicka Warden PvP Build (Pigeon Cannon)


Race: Breton

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina

19,004 47,451 11,893




Bar 1

Weapon 1: Dual Wield

Screaming Cliff Racer

Warden Skill

Screaming Cliff Racer



Deep Fissure

Warden Skill

Deep Fissure



Fletcher Infection

Warden Skill

Fletcher Infection



Blue Betty

Warden Skill

Blue Betty

Betty Netch


Inner Light

Mages Guild Skill

Inner Light



Northern Storm

Warden Skill

Northern Storm

Sleet Storm


Bar 2

Weapon 2: Restoration Staff

Healing Ward

Restoration Staff Skill

Healing Ward

Steadfast Ward


Dampen Magic

Light Armor Skill

Dampen Magic



Ice Fortress

Warden Skill

Ice Fortress

Frost Cloak


Bird of Prey

Warden Skill

Bird of Prey

Falcons Swiftness


Leeching Vines

Warden Skill

Leeching Vines

Living Vines


Enchanted Forest

Warden Skill

Enchanted Forest

Secluded Grove


Armor Types

Light Armor Medium Armor Heavy Armor
7 0 0


Gear and Item Set Info



5 Shacklebreaker (Set allows you to run Witchmother having good stam regen and adds to our Magicka pool)
5 Necro (The peanut butter to Magicka Warden's jelly)
2 Blood Spawn (Great Ult regen and increased tankiness) Engine Guardian could work here. Skoria would be great burst when or if they fix Fletcher as a DoT and not direct damage.

2 Shacklebreaker Swords (Sharpened PreHorns, Nirn or Precise PostHorns)
3 Light Shacklebreaker Body (Impen, Mag Enchants)
2 Light Necro Body (Impen, Mag Enchants)
3 Necro Jewelry (1 Spell Reduction, 2 Mag Recovery)
1 Light Bloodspawn Helm (Infused, Mag Enchant)
1 Light Bloodspawn Shoulder (Divines, Mag Enchant)
1 Maelstrom Restoration Staff (Decisive/Powered/Precise/Defending)

Of course you can do 5/1/1 for for max H/S/M with Undaunted passives, but this is a newer character that does not have them yet.
In addition, my stat sheet is with 6L 1H, 5 Impen, 1 Divines (Heavy Head), 1 Infused (Light Shoulders) and everything purple except for the weapons which are gold.


DW Bar
1: Screaming Cliff Racer (Bread and Butter Spammable)
2: Deep Fissure (Stun and Burst)
3: Fletcher Infection (DoT, Added Pressure, Direct Damage)
4: Inner Light (5% Max Magicka *+2% Max and 2% Regen w/ passives, Spell Crit, Stealth Pull)
5: Blue Betty (+20% Spell Damage, Magicka Regen, Pet)
Ult: Northern Storm (8% Max Magicka)

Restoration Bar
1: Dampen Magicka (Almost 10k Tooltip Shield in Cyro)
2: Leeching Vines (Heal, Lifesteal) *You can also slot Corrupted Pollen, Shimmering Shield or even Rapid Regen to work with Maelstrom Resto*
3: Ice Fortress (Major Resolve, Major Ward, Minor Protection)
4: Healing Ward (Shield, Heal)
5: Bird of Prey (Major Expedition *Movement*, Major Endurance, Minor Beserk)
Ult: Enchanted Forest (Cheap Heal, Ult Regen)




Witchmother's Brew or TriStat if you can't manage stamina.
Atronach for Bloodspawn or Shadow for Engine Guardian

Thank you kindly and be sure to catch me on Twitch if you care to.


General Info


This is my current Magicka Warden build. By no means am I sweaty enough to min/max every little mathematical detail, but it works well for 1vX scenarios in open world and I have a lot of fun with it. Great sustain and good burst.


Champion Point Tips


This will be entirely up to you and your play style.




Build Rating

Rating: 3.3/5. From 23 votes.
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  • sheryus
    Sep 4, 2017

    Hi, why you don’t use sharpened posthorn ? how you have cap penetration without sharpened ?

    • HatoreeHanzo
      Sep 20, 2017

      The build has actually slightly changed in HoTR, of which I will do a Pigeon Cannon 2.0 build. I am running precise swords now with CP into spell pen to make up for the difference, which actually becomes more penetration.

  • Lotorien
    Dec 30, 2017

    Why u are using dual wield?

  • jay lavati
    Oct 24, 2018

    Is this still the setup you run for this build? Also enchantments on swords and staff? And what mundus plus Cp allocation? thanks!

  • Daniel Burnell
    Nov 15, 2018

    Using dual wield offers overall better damage based on the last passive in dual wield and using swords at 2.5% more damage per offers the best overall damage output of skills. I’m using the same philosophy on a bombblade and it’s noticeable for sure.

  • Derek
    Nov 27, 2018

    Very poor build


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